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Rabbit Doubt: Extra Furry Edition
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The Announcer
The Announcer

Aug-21-2017 12:37

Hello all! The newest version of Rabbit Doubt can be found below:

If anyone who wasn't in the last game (or was and hasn't yet PM'ed me about joining) wants to play, please post in this thread. I'll leave signups open until 21:00 server time tonight.

If at any time you have questions regarding gameplay, please PM me and I'll try to get back to you as soon as possible.

Spots have been reserved for Sleuth Sindy, shell marple, Sal Iva, LaSorella, Tyranomaster3, miss snopes, Yeti Face, and Zara Bande.

The game will begin at 7:00 server time tomorrow, and all roles will be distributed by then.


Yeti Face
Yeti Face
Pinball Amateur

Aug-23-2017 09:31

Ha! Yes. :-)

Zara Bande
Zara Bande
Bounty Hunter

Aug-23-2017 10:10

Interesting to read everyone’s thoughts so far. And surprised to see Ty as the first target. I had him down as one of the wolves - clearly my intuition isn’t working too well.

There doesn’t seem to be much to go on so far. I had initially thought that Mr Announcer might play a joke by having the same two wolves as last time (shell and Sindy) - and I haven’t entirely ruled that out!

However, Sindy’s post earlier today (Aug-23-2017 07:53) indicates that she is the Big Ears (observer) bunny. No-other rabbit has yet contradicted her to say it’s *their* role so I’m inclined to believe her.

I’ve no idea who to vote for yet. I’d rather wait another day than just kill someone for the sake of it.

miss snopes
miss snopes

Aug-23-2017 10:16

What am I missing? From my count, I see the potential of showing 7 asleep (6 rabbits, 1 burrower), 2 awake (1 wolf & Thick Hide rabbit) plus however the picky rabbit shows up.
Now with Ty gone, that would change to 6 asleep (5 rabbits, 1 burrower). We have no way of knowing if was the Super Sniffer or Big Ears so we might have lost one of those advantages.

miss snopes
miss snopes

Aug-23-2017 10:18

At my count, depending on the picky eater, the count should either be 7 asleep, 2 awake or 6 asleep, 3 awake.

Sleuth Sindy
Sleuth Sindy
Pinball Wizard

Aug-23-2017 10:19

From Mr Dashing himself:

All the roles that show up as AWAKE: Normal Wolf, Super Sniffer, Big Ears (in very large games there may be two of this role and one might see the other), Protective Brother/Sister, and Thick Hide.

Sleuth Sindy
Sleuth Sindy
Pinball Wizard

Aug-23-2017 10:34

And I have to say I concur with Yeti in that the Kathryn Rose posting in this game is a very different personality from the Cathy Rose we saw in the Resistance game.

*glares at Yeti*

Not that I don't have my doubts about you.

Evil Rabbit Doubt Traitor
Evil Rabbit Doubt Traitor

Aug-23-2017 10:44

Fear not my little furry friends. Ty is still alive - marinating in my refrigerator (a very good recipe if I do say so myself). It takes at least 5 bunnies to make a really good rabbit stew. Not much meat on bunny bones, you know? I will have to have a little nibble though from time to time to ensure the flavoring isn't off.

Yeti Face
Yeti Face
Pinball Amateur

Aug-23-2017 11:05

I'm happy to change this later depending on what fresh people have to say as the day goes on, but so I don't forget and accidentally get myself killed:



Aug-23-2017 11:16

*hops around a bit*

miss snopes
miss snopes

Aug-23-2017 13:25

I am also going to put this vote out there for now. Hopefully, someone will offer some helpful info later that might give us a little insight and I can change it later.


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