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The Resistance: Lurker Edition
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The Announcer
The Announcer

Jul-1-2017 09:19

Hello everyone. I’ll be hosting another game of Resistance, and I encourage all lurkers from the previous game(s) to come out and play! We’ll keep it simple with just gameplay and no story this time. And if you’ve never played before, feel free to jump right in, because we all need more imaginary problems to worry about. :)

The game takes place over a series of 5 "missions." The Resistance is trying to complete 3 missions successfully, while the spies are attempting to sabotage 3 missions. First one to 3 wins.

I will serve as game master. Once we get enough people to play (5-10 total), I will PM everyone their allegiance (either "Resistance" or "Spy"). If you are a "Spy," I will also PM you the names of your co-conspirators.

A "leader" will be chosen at random for the first mission. The leader has 2 important functions:
1) The leader will assign various "role" abilities to players. These are one-shot special powers a player can use to learn more information about someone.
2) The leader will assign players to the "team" for that mission.

Missions will have a varying number of players who are selected; the leader picks a team, then every player will vote on whether or not they approve the team by PMing me. Once all the votes are cast, I will post the voting results. If a majority approves the team, the mission starts. If not, the mission does not start, and the next player in line becomes the new "leader" for that round. This continues until either a mission is approved, or 5 consecutive mission teams are rejected (in which case the spies win automatically.)

Once a mission team is approved, those players will PM me their choice of action during that mission. Resistance players will ALWAYS choose to have the mission succeed by sending "Success," while spies have a choice: they can either elect to have the mission succeed (to throw off suspicion), or they can "Sabotage" the mission.


Theodora X
Theodora X

Aug-1-2017 09:54

(Zara's alt here)

Sal, look 2 posts above you at Aspen's last post. She has made a team proposal for Mission 4, Team 2. Votes should be in by 20:55 today.

Sal Iva
Sal Iva
Little Monster

Aug-1-2017 11:11

Thanks, Zara. I have been in the habit of looking to the Announcer to give the "official" notice and set the time of compliance as that has been my experience in past games. I shall have to pay closer attention to the individual player post rather than just scanning for the annoincer.'s notifaction.

miss snopes
miss snopes

Aug-1-2017 12:04

This game The Announcer has let it run a little differently. I think it's because it sometimes has taken days to get a team proposed. :)

Bela Talbot III
Bela Talbot III
Con Artist

Aug-1-2017 12:14

Grrr. I hate my judgment. This would be so much easier if I were a spy this time around dammit.

Mission 4, Team 2: YES.

Bela Talbot III
Bela Talbot III
Con Artist

Aug-1-2017 12:18

I can't do it, Sindy; although I know that my hunches are often terrible, I think you are a spy. If you aren't after all, I'll have learnt my lesson. XP

I just found the posts I'd been looking for; the team Sindy vetoed consisted of Sal, Sindy, Ty, and Aspen.

shell marple
shell marple
Con Artist

Aug-1-2017 14:40

This is what Bela said on the 31st

"So this will be my (fairly weird) not-a-spy defence: when I'm a spy, I really really never seem this spy-ish! I don't know what it is that's come over me, but this game and the last, I've made posts and appeals that came off distinctly spy-ish. I know it, I can see it."

Maybe you really are a spy? In my honest opinion, many of your post sound very resistance. But then you make a post that just contradicts all the beautiful groundwork you've laid out. Once again you have said one thing and then in the next breath changed your game plan.

This is what she said on the 29th

"So my initial suspicions were that Sindy, Zara, and Ty were spies (Ty, after M2 failed). Nothing that has happened so far has disagreed with this theory, and Sindy's play looks like a clever way to vilify a Resistance member and get another spy on the M4 team. "

Current Mission 4 team proposal
Miss snopes
Bela's vote on the team - yes. If you truly think that Ty and Zara are Sindy's partners in crime then you would have to vote no if you are resistance.

My top two spy teams are (drumroll please)
1) Bela

2) Bela

shell marple
shell marple
Con Artist

Aug-1-2017 15:04

I do have to confess to having my doubts about Zara or Missy, but mainly because they haven't gone on a mission yet. And since one or both needs to go on missions 4 and 5 I'm being a little freaky.

miss snopes
miss snopes

Aug-1-2017 19:18

Your top 2 spy teams look a lot like mine although at times, I've wondered about subbing you in Ty's spot but that would my 3rd choice of a team which at this point is much lower.

I don't really know how to prove I am Resistance because as you said, I've not gone on a mission. All I can do is state here that I am Resistance and I hope I have a chance to prove that before it's too late and we lose this game.

I am most worried that we (Resistance) are able to pull off this mission (only because it needs 2 spies in order to sabotage) yet still not know who the actual spies are and lose it in the last mission. But until that happens, we have to do our best to not let 2 spies on this mission.


Aug-1-2017 19:58

Sorry to be quiet for a long time. Those days are really busy for me. Some projects have to be done.

1st, I would like to wish sal to get better soon. You are suffering too long. Then hope sindy's dogs get well also.

OK! Back to the topic. We should start with the mission 3. Please remember that the team picked by me was proposed by sindy and that's the 5th team in a row. That means if I want to twist you guys, I can pick another team which was proposed by shell and somebody and nobody can reject the team I proposed (because of the 5th team). So if I am a spy, I can easily do that to not include aspen in my team (if we both are spies according to sindy's word). The reason I picked that team is clear to you, I think. I said that before Mr. Announcer declared the result of sal's team which is "the 1st mission team + shell".

Well, I am away from this game timeline for a long time. So I guess I have to take time to get back.

shell marple
shell marple
Con Artist

Aug-1-2017 20:08

Ty, I'm sorry but I'm not sure I understand what you are saying.

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