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Sleuthville AVH Tournament 2017
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Riza Hawkeye
Riza Hawkeye
First Nomad

Apr-28-2017 08:39

Greetings, residents of Sleuthville! Please follow this link to see all the information on this year's AVH tournament:

And then come back here for all your sign-ups, trash talk, updates, and other miscellaneous tourney needs. :)



The Announcer
The Announcer

May-30-2017 12:02

If anyone else wants to play, I'm open to taking as many as are interested. The only thing which will change slightly is the format. :)

miss snopes
miss snopes

May-31-2017 09:00

I'm in :)

The Announcer
The Announcer

Jun-3-2017 08:28

Greetings all! Signups will now be closed. The final confirmed list of participants:

1. Yeti Face- Metoh Mountain
2. ZykhelJr- Metoh Mountain
3. Tyranomaster3- Metoh Mountain
4. Diva Mysterio- Metoh Mountain
5. shell marple- Shaded Legends
6. glasse- The Vidocq Society
7. Verali- Metoh Mountain
8. Keira Ann- Blue Pagoda Agency
9. Sal Iva- The Vidocq Society
10. Sleuth Sindy- The Firm
11. Bela Talbot III- Dragonstone
12. Ms Helen- Ascent of the Phoenix
13. AspenK- Ascent of the Phoenix
14. Autumnsprings- Ascent of the Phoenix
15. Theodora X- Noir Inc.
16. Sumia- Gale Force
17. miss snopes- Easy Does It


The Round 1 matchups are as follows:

1. Keira Ann vs. Verali
2. Theodora X vs. shell marple
3. Sleuth Sindy vs. Sal Iva
4. Diva Mysterio vs. Yeti Face vs. miss snopes
5. Ms Helen vs. Tyranomaster3
6. AspenK vs. Sumia
7. Autumnsprings vs. Bela Talbot III
8. ZykhelJr vs. glasse

I will see you all in Shangri-La on Sunday night. Best of luck, and may the trash-talking begin! :)

Keira Ann
Keira Ann

Jun-3-2017 10:32

I look forward to our match Verali!

Safety Officer

Jun-3-2017 19:32

Good luck everyone!! May your journey not be ruined by vengeful sugar starved street urchins lamenting their lack of customers at the Boardwalk!

Yeti Face
Yeti Face
Pinball Amateur

Jun-4-2017 06:13

I can't believe I get to crush two players at once! :D


Jun-4-2017 06:22

All the Metoh Mountains will go villain hunting. That's good news for the furores :)

Yeti Face
Yeti Face
Pinball Amateur

Jun-4-2017 08:39

You can still Furore during villain hunts. ;-)

miss snopes
miss snopes

Jun-4-2017 11:14

Oh Yeti, I do love a good trash talker. It makes it more fun to take them to the cleaners. :)

Con Artist

Jun-4-2017 12:25

Will Squirrel be acting as bookie this time round?

Oh and Bela, as much as I like you, I wish you nothing but the worst of luck to you and may nothing but repeats come your way. *air kisses*

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