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Error Loading Mystery
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Queen Cersei
Queen Cersei
Elf - 2nd Class

Mar-27-2016 03:16

This happened to me twice today:

Error Loading Mystery

We have experienced an error while trying to load your active case.

Would you like to:

Quit Case

Both cases had been solved and the error occurred at the moment of accusing the guilty suspect.


shell marple
shell marple
Con Artist

Mar-29-2016 13:01

Okay, so Vulkie found this wonderful image of Yeti trying to fix the back end of Slueth, and shared it with me.

I feel I duty bound to share it with the rest of you.

Safety Officer

Mar-29-2016 14:38

Glad I never learnt to code!


Mar-29-2016 14:39

Well Squirrel, maybe you should learn and ask for a pay rise - that way, you can help Yeti out :)

Yeti Face
Yeti Face
Pinball Amateur

Mar-29-2016 14:40

Ha. That is basically what I look like when the bug reports first start flooding in after an update.

The fix from last night is in the game properly now, so issues like McCoy's should be resolved. As ever, please let me know if any of you still have problems.

Sleuth Sindy
Sleuth Sindy
Pinball Wizard

Mar-29-2016 15:27

Yeah, SS. You should ask Ben to give you a raise from 40 acorns a month to 50.


Sleuth Sindy
Sleuth Sindy
Pinball Wizard

Mar-29-2016 15:28

The video is hilarious!

Thanks so much for sharing Shell.

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