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A new challenge...
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Jason Arends
Jason Arends
Lucky Stiff

Jun-19-2012 20:57

People of Sleuthville, lend me your ears!
I call out now to all you tomb-raiders and treasure seekers! To those who love the thrill of a good treasure hunt!

In the spirit of friendly competition i propose a challenge.
This challenge will require 10 adventurous detectives to be split onto 2 Teams, each team consisting of 5 members, in 2 newly made Agencies of my own making in NY.

These two agencies will compete against each other in Treasure Hunts.
The first team to get their agency to 7,000 Fame wins:

$200,000 Prize to be split among the team evenly.
(Working out to $40,000 a piece for each teammate...not too shabby huh?)
Also each team after the contest ends will vote amongst themselves on who alone among their team was MVP (someone who went above and beyond, did a really excellent job, etc) The MVP's from Both teams will win a 3 month gift subscription from me personally.
You also win bragging rights and honor for your home agencies on being an awesome treasure hunter.
Whether your team chooses single or multi-city hunt strategy is entirely up to you.

Obviously this competition will run for a while, (I'm venturing a guess at anywhere between 2 weeks to a month depending on how luck smiles on you or how good you and your teammates are).

It goes without saying that you would be required to resign temporarily from whatever agency you are currently in to join my competing agencies for the contest. You are allowed to enter an alternate detective if you wish if you're too attached to have your main detective leave your agency, and the only rules are:

1) Absolutely NO Password Sharing.
2) Only one entry per contestant
3) Have fun.

I want to know who among you treasure hunters really has what it takes to come together and co-ordinate as a team to truly be the best.



Night Queen
Night Queen
Old Shoe

Jun-20-2012 14:40

I really don't mind how you choose, Jason. I am just saying that if anyone is interested in going to 10,000 or 15,000 xp. It WILL take a month to maybe more than 2 months. Make note that TH's were a very major focus in Gambit, but we did tend to ignore starting single city TH's in foreign cities. It is really impractical to think an agency can compete and win every TH worldwide.

Back then, the only agencies competing hard in TH's were Blue Pagoda, Vidocq Society, and Joss Boss—a total of 4 major TH agencies. There were a few others, but not very successful at TH's. Now there is Blue Pagoda, Vidocq Society, Dawn of the Dead, Al Q. Toohey, and Vampiric Crypt as the major TH players. With 2 new active agencies such as Raiders and Crusaders, there will be 7 major TH agencies. TH wins will not come easy for anyone considering there are usually only 6 ongoing TH's at a time.
As for me, I am not willing to divest more than a week from my home agency, much less 1 to 2 months.

Bottom line, I am entirely in support of this tournament. I just want all involved to understand the realities of the time commitment. That is why I suggested a time limit.

Lucky Stiff

Jun-20-2012 15:17


Just saying ;)

Jason Arends
Jason Arends
Lucky Stiff

Jun-20-2012 15:25

Well NQ i understand the concern there, im just hoping for the best that this doesnt take quite that long. If it does go over my expectations of time constraints next time i hold this contest (if there is still interest afterwards for a next time) I can always improve upon how i set it up. So we'll go with the fame limit and see how this plays out. I appreciate you input and support, this should be pretty fun :)

And Mr. Harris, as far as i know there is still room, When i have more time when i get home from work i'll update this thread on a list of contestants and how many slots are available. I believe im at a little over half so far. So no worries, still room :)

Night Queen
Night Queen
Old Shoe

Jun-20-2012 16:47

My sincere wish is that the Raiders and Crusaders both prove me wrong. I don't mind being surprised by a huge success. May both teams strike gold early and blow my time estimation to the moon. :)

Night Queen
Night Queen
Old Shoe

Jun-20-2012 17:39

One more thing as a word of encouragement.


Each of the 12 members in an agency were to produce 70 fame points per day, that would produce 840 xp of fame per day just on case solving alone. It has been my experience (as a nerd I actually chart these things) that agencies that hit TH's hard typically gain 2/3 of their fame from case solving. The other 1/3 is from TH's. Such an agency can then produce 420 fame points per day (on average) totaling an average of 1,260 fame points per day.

This would be a very ambitious agency, which I think is what Jason is after in this contest.

15,000 fame points could be achieved in 12 days.


Bean Counter Department

Jason Arends
Jason Arends
Lucky Stiff

Jun-20-2012 18:57

My deep appreciation to the Bean Counters NQ as im not too good with the maths :)

I'm getting the ball rolling here people as no one has really heckled me about the 15,000 fame limit that's where the bar sits. So I'll be starting the set up and if my entry form here is correct *squints over list*
Our daring adventurers are:

Molly Maltese
Summer Daze
Ms Helen
Drew Harris

I have 12 Contestants and i await 12 more. I'll be working out the details of a when/where, when i know you'll know.

Drew Harris
Drew Harris
Sleuth About Town

Jun-20-2012 19:43

Thanks for your hard work, Jason :)

Lucky Stiff

Jun-20-2012 20:51

Thanks for your hot avatar, Drew!

Jason Arends
Jason Arends
Lucky Stiff

Jun-22-2012 06:21

Just an update guys im waiting for Riza's VH Competition, and Molly's Beauty Pageant to be finished with before i set everything up. Also 12 spots still available.

Jason Arends
Jason Arends
Lucky Stiff

Jun-22-2012 06:31

Also everyone im considering raising the stakes for the reward money from $40,000 to $100,000 per team member of the victorious agency. So for anyone out there unsure if they want to compete, maybe this will be an added incentive to make things interesting.

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