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Dangers on the high Seas.
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Dark Raven
Dark Raven
Trusted Informer

Mar-25-2012 07:05

So here I am on the boat working cases and sneaking in the cargo hold. On one case, one of my suspects clam up on me. So I figure that I would follow him from the shadows.

But all of a sudden A TRUCK ARRIVED AND NEARLY HIT ME AS I WAS CROSSING THE STREET and scared my suspect away...

I truely underestimated the size of this boat...


Lucky Stiff

May-27-2012 10:26

I feel its a bit like hotel california, I can't get off the dang boat :(

Emily Hill
Emily Hill
Lucky Stiff

May-27-2012 11:31

Raven, thanks for this. I needed the lolz. :)

Ms Helen
Ms Helen
Con Artist

May-28-2012 05:02

That's one heck of a sized boat :)

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