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Sleuth Admin
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner

Apr-23-2004 19:49
(sticky post)

So, looking at the web logs, I know that we have players here from about 30 different countries. I just thought it would be interesting to put somes names with places.

My wife and I live in Boulder, COlorado in the U.S. Where the winter has returned for the weekend. We actually moved here pretty recently from Seattle, which is my home town.


Lou Hoyle
Lou Hoyle

Jul-6-2011 10:41

Hi I'm Tom 54, Happily married for 20 years, we have 4 boys. I was born in Georgia (the State not the Republic), grew up in Southern California, joined the Navy, travled and lived all over the globe. Retired and now living in south eastern Kansas approximatly 20 min from the geographic center of the United States.

Alister Bane
Alister Bane
Old Shoe

Feb-3-2012 00:01

Name: I plastered my middle name on another post around here, so that should be enough.

Location: Somewhere in the center of California

Occupation: Cook

The end ;)

Joey "Bulldog" Bane
Washed Up Punter

Feb-22-2012 16:43

Guess I've polluted these boards long enough to have a reasonable reason to write here too.

Robert, soon to be 34, married to a wonderful woman who suffered my presence in her life for about 14 years now, father to a 4 year old little devil. Currently livin' in Bucharest, Romania.

Joey "Bulldog" Bane
Washed Up Punter

Mar-5-2012 13:32

Hey, I just realized I forgot to mention another member of the familly. We also got a german pointer who's managed to grow way over the common sense size for his breed. He's a walking trash can and a bully, but...well...he's been with us for 8 years now.

Lucky Stiff

May-31-2012 00:32

My Name is Shane, but I hate it, Have been known as Big Dog for the Last six years and am kinda fond of that one..
My kid brother called me Chwanes (CH-WON-ESSS!!!!! not CH-Waynez)
I am Australian and have spend the last twelve months living under The Rock.. Please Google it= Uluru, Its our Niagra Falls or Mount Everest so to speak lol

mysterious 2
mysterious 2

Jun-7-2012 01:59

hi , i am shadiya and i am currently a resident of saudi arabia. i am from kerala known as GOD'S OWN COUNTRY which is a state in india .

Hellen Wheels
Hellen Wheels
Big Winner

Jul-19-2012 23:55

Alabama. But I am not married to my cousin, and he is from Tennessee and spends his writing skills trash talking on sports forums.

Melanie D'lish
Melanie D'lish
Big Winner

Nov-4-2012 12:27

Hiya folks. My real name is Robin and I'm from the UK.

I'm only just getting back into this game and I have returned with a new avatar (except my detective name isn't actually Sam Spade).

Occupation: Surrealist.
Favourite Tea: Lemon and Ginger.

Trusted Informer

Jan-18-2013 09:52

I'm just an Indian girl who stumbled upon Sleuth Noir, some time during Durga Puja, a major festival for Bengalis. Yes, I'd just returned from a puja in my friend's apartment complex when I logged on & tracked down this site. Is vaguely heard someone mention that it was similar to the board game Cluedo, & that was enough to spark my interest. The next day I went pandal hopping with cousins, & sure enough returned to solve more cases :D


Feb-11-2013 16:47

My real name is Rim and i'm from VietNam .
Occupation : Sophomore
Favourite Drinks : RedBull and Milk Coffee .

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