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Um What?
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Charlie Cain
Charlie Cain

Sep-6-2009 04:33

Ok i know im not a newbie anymore but i got a question. is it a bug when you have 4 of 9 suspects all at the barber? I was doing a incredibly hard case earlier and thats exactly what happend. and to top that all off two of my suspects clammed up right off the bat and i couldnt get any info out of them. needless to say i got a false accusation. due to bad witness info and not knowing the suspect i accused had a real alibi cause he wouldnt tell me.

anyways i just needed to get that out. maybe someone can help me. i dont really think its a bug i just think that it does make it a little one sided cause you cant get any answers. very frustrating.

Thank you


Charlie Cain
Charlie Cain

Sep-12-2009 16:40

Thanks Breit

Encyclopedia Zero
Encyclopedia Zero

Sep-15-2009 11:55

I've had up to seven on several occasions, but I think one only notices them when it becomes a problem. I mean after all when you get them all clumped up at your contact it's a sigh of relief.

Charlie Cain
Charlie Cain

Sep-16-2009 09:30

I wish that would have been the case...........haha

Encyclopedia Zero
Encyclopedia Zero

Sep-16-2009 11:22

It will happen. Eventually.

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