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Shanghai Panorama - And a Prize!
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Sleuth Admin
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner

Aug-16-2009 15:28

Hop the nearest steamer or freight train to take a shot at Shanghai Panorama, a new "Really Hard" featured mystery written by Joseph Zeo.

The first person to successfully complete the mystery will have their choice of any prince awarded item in the game, and bragging rights for the day.

Thank you Joseph for spinning a great yarn, and thanks to Ms Helen for pitching in with copy editing!


Joseph Zeo
Joseph Zeo
Tale Spinner

Aug-17-2009 20:29

One more thing: I must thank all my friends who have tested the SM for me long before it was ready for release. (and sorry that you guys cannot enter the competition because of it). Thank you for being the human guinea pigs, all your comments and encouragements have been of great help, and help shape my SMs the way they are.

Sir William Weine
Sir William Weine
Lucky Stiff

Aug-21-2009 07:21

Thanks for the mystery everyone involved, I was really lucky and only got one clamming up! Congrats Heimlich on the prize! I wish I'd got to Shanghai quicker! Completed!


Aug-21-2009 18:14

Just finished it JZ, job well done. I can tell you put a lot of hard work into. I really enjoyed the storyline.


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Joseph Zeo
Joseph Zeo
Tale Spinner

Aug-23-2009 21:34

Personally i like my 2nd SM much better, which should be coming out... i really don't know when..... :-P

In case there'll be any contest attached to it, FYI it would also be in Shanghai. (My 3rd one, which i'm currently writing, will probably be set in New Delhi, but i do not foresee a release date within this year)

As for the little amount of clamming, hm, does that mean i should set the numbers to be harder? (evil grin)

miss snopes
miss snopes

Aug-31-2009 21:45

I'm just seeing this now but have made plans to check it out when I finish this avh! It sounds exciting!

Sam the Rose
Sam the Rose
Old Shoe

Sep-1-2009 03:35

I wish I had seen this before I left Shanghai for London.

I'll be back.

Joseph Zeo
Joseph Zeo
Tale Spinner

Sep-1-2009 06:59

Don't worry guys, the SMs are not going anywhere. FYI, there should be two more SMs coming out in Shanghai, so stay tuned!!

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