Sally Rose
Old Shoe
Jul-29-2009 04:19
well we're paying extra for the darn thing but I'll be a monkey's uncle if can figure out how to use the darn thing.
It can't be my case, it has to be once a day.
No hypertext, no instructions
yeah, I searched for the info on the boards before I posted it.
Do any of the websites have info?
Thanks to all and have a good hot summer if you are north of the equator. If not, well, I'm just jealous!!
Encyclopedia Zero
Aug-3-2009 12:55
Ah yes. I've understood the crime lab already. The other question was related, but perhaps I should have posted it in a different thread? I was wondering what happened if detective 1 looks at the crime scene and we'll assume don't manage to find or identify, or find and identify all PE and then files the case. Then detective 2 opens the filed case does he/she also get a chance to find or identify, or find and identify all the PE when looking at the crime scene?
The answer is apparently no. Once one detective has visited the crime scene the PE is as it was, no matter if new detectives look for themselves. :D
Either way, thanks to everyone who's pitched in. Very informative.