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Why you should subscribe?
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Jun-28-2005 06:10
(sticky post)

I am shamelessly going to post this, so I then shamelessly can link to it from the moderators picks.

Hoping that we get more people subbing. For the simple reason, this game exists because people subscribe.

(Disclaimer: Mods, or even anyone else...make money of this game. It is volunteer run. Subscription money is used to pay for hardware and software to run this game.)


Encyclopedia Zero
Encyclopedia Zero

Aug-1-2009 03:04

Alright. Thanks. Still I think it would be a good idea to add another alternative. Be it another pay service or whatever. I could transfer the money right into another account, but people are so worried about giving out account numbers these days so I'd get laughed at for asking for one.

PayNova links directly into one's internet bank and opens a separate window where you make the transaction from the bank directly instead of entering card numbers and all that.

Encyclopedia Zero
Encyclopedia Zero

Aug-1-2009 03:40

Alright. I finally got it to work. It wasn't easy though. Following their instructions was of no use, but luckily I'm a good problem solver. I am now subscribed to Sleuth, dammit.

Demon of the Due Date

Aug-1-2009 05:43

I blame it all on Shady! :-P

Encyclopedia Zero
Encyclopedia Zero

Aug-1-2009 18:32

Nah, take some credit for spawning the idea of how to work it out on my own instead. Thanks ctown28.

And if anyone ever has a problem with PayPal pass it by me and perhaps if it's the same thing I had trouble with I can help. PM away.

Lemma Infinitum
Lemma Infinitum

Nov-29-2012 10:01


I wonder whether gift subs are given out anonymously or not?

Pinball Amateur

Nov-29-2012 15:39

On occasion, yes. Overt begging, however, is not appreciated around here. Genuine effort and community participation are. If you show that you want to be a good member of Sleuth, and are here to stay, your diligence will be rewarded. Good luck, and happy hunting. ;-)


Pinball Amateur

Dec-1-2012 11:30

As to how to give a gift sub, there's a link in the Service Center portion of the main City Hall page (bottom, lower right of your screen). It's the third one down, and will guide you through on how to go about purchasing a gift sub, either anonymously or with a known purchaser, for someone.

Hope that clears things up a bit. ;-)


Lemma Infinitum
Lemma Infinitum

Dec-6-2012 12:45

Thank you for your help.


Jul-23-2013 11:03

Hi, I was just wondering...are only US players allowed to have subscriptions? I'm asking because I noticed that the prices are in dollars ($), but I live in an European country.

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