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Clint Forthwright
Clint Forthwright
Old Shoe

Jul-30-2009 03:06

When you're on an AVH in New York, what does the clue "IS/IS NOT close enough to the river to smell it," mean. Does it mean the Hudson River or the one on the other side. I never been to NYC, so I don't even know how close you have to be to smell it.


Sally Rose
Sally Rose
Old Shoe

Jul-30-2009 07:49

I find that confusing too. when you get more info you'll be able to sort it out

Joseph Zeo
Joseph Zeo
Tale Spinner

Jul-30-2009 09:58

I think this map would help:

Gopher to the Sleuth Gods

Jul-30-2009 13:34

Yes, those maps are great! You can also log in to Endeavour Investigations directly by using the Sleuth Community Sites page.

Lawrence Wargrave
Lawrence Wargrave
Tale Spinner

Jul-30-2009 13:43

Also you can try this one that will come very handy:

It's another alternative but basically they are both the same

Lolita Marinez
Lolita Marinez
Sleuth About Town

Jul-30-2009 22:05

Oh I like maps. Look what I found on a Google Map

From my home town to New York according to Google Maps.

Blah Blah Blah directions to drive halfway across Australia and exit via Darwin...

102. Kayak across the Pacific Ocean 5,404 km
Entering Japan

then more Blah Blah driving through Japan til we get to direction number

911. Kayak across the Pacific Ocean 6,243 km
Entering United States (Hawaii)

and then again at number

925. Kayak across the Pacific Ocean 4,436 km
Entering Washington

Hahahahahaha! I wonder how long that route would take me?

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