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SleuthCon II 2008 Suggestions
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Rhiemma Moon
Rhiemma Moon

Jun-19-2007 14:30

This thread is for ideas, suggestions, proposals, etc. NO idea is too silly to mention :) although some might be too impractical to implement.

As possibilities become probabilities, I will create another thread for the Con itself and concrete facts/decisions/information.


Aunt Pittypat
Aunt Pittypat

Sep-22-2008 19:18

Oh goody, does this mean I get to pinch my little Ctown's cheeks in person?

Demon of the Due Date

Sep-23-2008 09:14

There will be no cheek pinching at SleuthCon II! :-P

Hopefully this will all work out and we can get something together again. The best part is, the places being looked at are driving distance from where I live. We have been in contact with Rhiemma, and she will still be the main planner of this event, we are just helping her with some of the leg work.

Aunt Pittypat
Aunt Pittypat

Sep-23-2008 12:31

I am going to need a cheek pinching clause written into my sleuthcon contract. Auntie must be able to pinch Ctown's cheeks.

**Auntie reaches up and pinches Ctowns cheeks for thinking he could get away that easy.**

Also, we need to make sure there will be plenty of bourbon..... with beer chasers of course.

Frank Dobson
Frank Dobson

Sep-23-2008 19:17

Heck, I'm probably not doing anything in June '09. Even better, I live in Pittsburgh, super close to OH. Might need a ride as obtaining a vehicle may be problematic.

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