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Skill limit?
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Dec-4-2004 18:11

Is there a skill limit, or can I slowly build up all the skills?


Dr. Falco Maltese
Dr. Falco Maltese

Dec-6-2004 18:43

jstkdn is right. The suspect that is cleared by research will not be cleared until they are on your suspect list.

This makes sense to me, as I wouldn't know to research a person's whereabouts on the day of the crime if I had not heard their name yet!

So if you only have one person, he or she might be the one cleared by research, and you'll get that answer immediately.

On the other hand, if you are for example on an incredibly hard case and you know you should have eight suspects, but you try research when you have seven suspects, and no one comes up, you don't need to bother asking more suspects about motive and building your suspect list as you know the eighth person is cleared of guilt anyway.


Dec-6-2004 20:49

Does Research always eliminate a suspect with a false alibi, or will it sometimes eliminate a suspect with a real alibi.

Dr. Falco Maltese
Dr. Falco Maltese

Dec-6-2004 21:46

It's always a suspect with a false alibi or no alibi. Also the physical evidence is never tied to the person cleared by research.

James Flint
James Flint

Dec-7-2004 06:13

For me, it compleated eliminated a suspect the one time I have got to use it. It said that the guy got drunk and then was in trouble with the cops so he couldn't been the murderer.

It can change though, I only got it just before my last case today.

Also remember your archtype drops the costs of the skills quite a bit. I spent I think 9 on research with very smart arch.


Dec-10-2004 20:43

I happened to choose research when I first signed up to play. I can eliminate a suspect in almost every case. you have to be aware of that person first though. If no one has mentioned this person yet as someone with a motive, research won't help.


Dec-11-2004 05:51

and if u dont get anyone at reaserch it means u mis a suspect on ur list. cause research always works. research rules!


Dec-11-2004 15:07

Thank for the information, I bought Research and it helps from time to time. (Once, one of my suspects died, and then research cleared that person's name of the murder, lol)

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