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The Jerks win again
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M. Zane
M. Zane

Nov-28-2004 08:44

Well, in spite of our asking Ben to block the imposter Andrew Khoo, the jerk has won. The real Andrew Khoo resinged today leaving a major hole in our agency. We have also lost one of the nicest and one of the best dectives in Sleuthville. I for one am very angry about this. I think Sleuth Admin. dropped the ball on this one. Goodbye Andrew you shall be sorely missed!!



Dec-1-2004 14:18

Ben, I only mentioned Agent_007 just for reference, & nothing more.


Dec-1-2004 14:24

Andrew, I hope you return & rejoin "Starsky & Hutch" soon. I know they miss & need you very much.


Dec-2-2004 04:04

BTW, if this thing (Andrew Khoo/Andrew_Khoo) happens again, U only have to put the mouse on the link. At the bottom of the sreen the URL ends with id=(whatever). You can tell which it is. (This is not that hard. Just remember "Last number was 4" or "First number was 2")

Sleuth Admin
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner

Dec-2-2004 11:43

I've added a few rules when naming new detectives that should eliminate situations where it is impossible to tell two names apart (names starting and ending with spaces, or having multiple spaces in a row).

People will still need to pay attention to underscores and alternate spellings when determining whether they're dealing with an imposter.

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