Corrupt A Wish
Bill Oakes
Sep-15-2006 02:30
This is a very simple and fun game. The first person makes a wish, and each following person finds some way to corrupt the wish and then makes a new wish. For example:
Person 1. I wish I had a dog
Person 2. You have a dog, but it dies the day after you get it
I wish I had a muffin
Person 3: You get a muffin, but you drop it and have to throw it away.
And so on.
Your firt wish to corrupt is this:
I wish I had a new car.
Replies |
Vampiric Smile
Safety Officer
Mar-17-2008 07:56
You get a day off. Tomorrow you will be working a 24 hours shift!
I wish I could understand mortal women >
Rich J. Mayo
Mar-20-2008 23:21
suddenly everything about mortal women becomes clear. But zombie women start to rise form the grave and you can't understand them at all!
I wish this thread would never ever end.
Lucky Stiff
Mar-21-2008 01:54
This thread never ever ends! Hooray! But your computer crashes, catches light and the screen melts, so you can't read it.
I wish I had a bigger music collection.
Mar-21-2008 11:15
You do have a bigger music collection, in fact you have one cd from every artist ever to record, unfortunately for you, the only thing on each of the CDs is the same two songs, The theme from Green Acres and the theme from Gilligans Island.
I wish I could see all the ladies here engage in a pillow fight!
Maria South
Mar-23-2008 11:49
You see all the ladies ehre engaged in a pillow fight, but then your eyes burn up and you get thrown in a mental asylum. I'm not sure why.........................
I wish it wasn't sunny outside.
Mar-23-2008 14:34
It is no longer sunny outside, in fact the entire earth is now covered in darkness and will remain that way. Without sunlight, everything just withers up and dies!
I wish Aunt Pittypat would stop pinching my cheeks!
Aunt Pittypat
Mar-23-2008 15:09
Your dear old Aunt Pitty stops pinching your cheeks, but starts pinching your tooshie instead.
I wish I could find my dentures.
Lucky Stiff
Mar-23-2008 19:20
You find your dentures. But someone's gone and removed all the teeth with a pair of pliers. So all you've got left is false gums.
Good luck with that steak.
I wish for peace on Earth and a new bike.
Rich J. Mayo
Mar-25-2008 19:46
The nations of the world disband their armies. Soldiers put down their guns and hug the enemy combatants. World leaders retire to manage homeless local shelters and each country's Secretary of Defense becomes a cross-country boxcar novelist. The world's bombs get diffused far from civilization in the oceans...
... causing tidal waves to soak the ground in your neighborhood with a thin but permanent layer of muddy goo, making it IMPOSSIBLE to ride your bike.
I wish I lived in Fraggle Rock
Carmen Sanchez
Bounty Hunter
Mar-25-2008 20:18
****Sorry but I had post prepared for Topkebab already-hit refresh to find it had already been corrupted-counldn't help myself but to continue on as planned...hope noone minds?!****
You travel the globe soaking in the peace that is now bestowed on our dear planet Mother Earth on your brand new bike that oddly resembles the Red Hawthorne that was cherished and stolen in Pee Wee's Big Adventure (complete with Tassles and a horn and wayyyy to much chrome)
As you make your way home to park your new beauty and post on Sleuth about how lucky you were to see your wish granted and un-corrupted for over 3 days-your luck runs out and fate steps in. You are sucked into a strange "Donnie Darko" tangent universe scenario where you seem to be permanently frozen in time with Paul Reubens himself, an infinite bottle of Oil of Olay Quench lotion in a dark movie theatre that plays the same kiddie movie over and over and over. Too bad for you the bike won't let you pedal away fast enough to see outside that world peace collapsed and we have all went to Soylent Green status....(wonder if I can get paid for all the movie and product endorsements I just used?!) *greedy grin*
You arrive in Fraggle Rock and are welcomed with open arms by your new little friends. You live quite happily for some time until one day the Doozers unleash their plans for Global Cave Domination.
The Doozers turn all of Fraggle Rock and it's caves into a facist, totalitarian government; making the Fraggles and all other friendly creatures work night and day creating Super Doozer Sticks that are then exported to "Outer Space" where they make large profits off the highly addictive substance that will slowly turn all who eat the Doozer Sticks into mindless Doozer slaves......