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AV Hunt Question - possible spoilers?
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Dec-8-2007 05:55

Hi there,

I don't know if I'm spoiling the AVH process, but I was wondering if a clue along the lines of ".... is NOT the Waitress" or the clues like "southof detective shop" when the shop is already high up on the map are used only as 'tie' breakers'?

i.e. Everytime I've gotten one of those clues, its been the other townsperson who shares the same set of traits (i.e. north, east, female, river - "not the waitress" would have been the tiebreaker).

I'm thinking that the game generates that hint only when necessary (like it should be the final hint to help you distinguish), but if you get it as a first clue, then can you use it to figure out your cospirator immediately?

To any mods / admins, feel free to edit my post if it contains too much information pertaining to AVH hunts.

Thanks to any repliers in advance!


Pinball Amateur

Dec-8-2007 14:28

As far as I can tell, the clues seem to come up completely randomly. I've had hunts where I get a 'Not the' clue right off the bat, and also had hunts where the 'Not the' clue has been the deciding clue between two suspects. It just seems to depend on the particular hunt, unfortunately. :-/

Sleuth About Town

Dec-8-2007 14:46

Jojo, if you'll notice, there are more than 5 possible clues for each townie... I can look at a map and tell you that, without looking at what people have documented for the clues. Of course, I can read a map and not get lost... if only I get it registered in my head that on the computer and on paper, North, South, East and West are still the same... North - up, South - down, East - right, and West - left... I have to take a second and check that.

On the other note, I've had 2 different circumstances for NY and several for Delhi... so sorry to say that the clues aren't "set". It's just the NOT clue for the hunts are determining between more than one possibility of a SE of bank and there be 2 or 3 different townies there...

With that said... I think it's explained a bit more :S


Dec-8-2007 15:59

Some interesting discussion here...

My original meaning for clarifying this up was that... as an example if in NYC you get "not the waitress" as your first hint, does it ALWAYS mean that you are given that distinguish between either the WAITRESS / MUSIC TEACHER pair or the WAITRESS / BUTCHER pair - so i.e if you get SOUTH of 42nd and the 'not the waitress' clue you can determine its the BUTCHER without any other clues?

Thanks for all the input so far everybody!

Lady Jas
Lady Jas
The Chosen One

Dec-8-2007 16:07

As not to give away any spoilers, PM sent!

miss snopes
miss snopes

Mar-24-2008 11:58

I also have a question on these same lines:

In Delhi (to close out my avh), My first clue in is "NOT the Holy Man". Can anyone confirm this means the Missionary EVERY time? I would love to make it home to London with my remaining cases if so so I don't spend the whole day tomorrow travelling to London to drop off my gear and then back to Shangri-La to p/u my reward.


Pinball Amateur

Mar-24-2008 13:40

No, I can't confirm that, cause it ain't always him. Sorry. :-/

Safety Officer

Mar-24-2008 16:34

^ agrees. In this instance you can't rely on that 'not the...' clue singling out someone for you.

Vampiric Smile
Vampiric Smile
Safety Officer

Mar-25-2008 01:20

The posibility to be the Missionary is exactly 95%. Normally 95% is statistically significant.
It is up to you to take the risk but remember that a failed VH will always be in your CV

Pinball Amateur

Mar-25-2008 01:41

How, exactly, you came up with that statistic, I'm somewhat confused about, but whatever. There are several possibilities that can have that clue, the Missionary being only one of them.

Vampiric Smile
Vampiric Smile
Safety Officer

Mar-25-2008 10:03

Scenario 1
The ‘is not the holy man’ info is given because it is substituting a coordination that can’t be used. This scenario (mathematically) is leading (much space is needed for explanation and may be boring for those who are not interested) 100% to the Missionary.
Scenario 2
The ‘is not the holy man’ info is given because it is substituting a coordination that can be used but it is not given. This scenario (mathematically) is leading 50% to the Missionary and 50% to the Bartender.
Scenario 3
The ‘is not the holy man’ info is given as an Add on info that is not actually needed! Unfortunately this is really a bad scenario which can lead to anybody else

Mathematically a projection of all scenarios will give.
Missionary 95%
Bartender 2%
Anybody else less than 0.5%

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