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Hi and I miss everyone
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Oct-18-2007 10:39

Hi, thought I'd logon to check out my favorite online game. Wow, I love all the new changes. I hope everyone is doing great. A lot has happened since I played last. My Mother suffered a major heart attack, and had eight bypasses, plus her kidneys failed. We had to move her into a nursing home because she can't wait on herself. Then last week, our furry thirteen year old Yorkshire Terrier, was in the hospital for five days due to a heart condition, and renal failure. Thanks to medication, and prayer, our little boy is running around the house and acting like a brand new puppy. In fact, he's been barking his head off at me, because I'm on the computer...LOL. The reason he does was back when I played Sleuth for hours, one night I fell asleep during the game, and dropped the keyboard on him, which scared him and I to death. It didn't hurt him, but he hates it now when I get on the computer, and will bark until I get off.... I think I need to call the Dog Whisperer........LOL. Anyway, Texan and I are doing fine. Still singing and working. Hope to hear from ya'll. I'll check back later.



Oct-22-2007 20:50's so great to hear from you, my son Jojo. When I posted this I told Texan, you're still here and he remembered you. Right now he's yelling......Deb....Hon.....come to bed....hehe. He knows I'm logged on to Sleuth.......yelp....I use to play this game all night long, when he worked at the prison as a guard. It's a great game to keep you entertained and pass the time away while having fun. Well, good luck dear and God bless.

Daru "waves back to biggie528, and yells.....hello!", then smiles and jogs out of town.

Lady of Shadows

Oct-25-2007 10:51

Daru and Texan! Good to see you on the boards. We miss you!


Oct-25-2007 13:47

Soooooo....great to hear from you Sunny. Our thoughts and love is sent to you and Ben. Nice picture by the way. Is that your baby picture? Beautiful!!! Well, thought I'd work a few cases and see how rusty my detective skills are....LOL. Have a nice week and take care.

Lucky Stiff

Oct-25-2007 14:26

*thinks Sunny is sleeping with the avatar uploader*

...oh wait... ;)

I love that, its so cute :D

Reese Withers
Reese Withers

Oct-25-2007 15:22

Hi daru! I dont know if u knew me under his name or Mak (Makensie Brewer) but any way, a hello to ya! I dont get to log on as much now, since I dont have a computer at home but hopefully that will someday change so I can get back into doing some detective work!

Sorry to hear about your mom, and Im glad your dog is doing ok now :)

Great seeing a name from the past and great hearing from ya too!!

Charlotte Montgomery
Charlotte Montgomery

Oct-25-2007 19:40

I don't really know you, but welcome back! Sorry to hear about your mom and I'm glad to see you're dog is better. Well, I'm one of the annoying youths around here and just well....WELCOME BACK!!

Lucky Stiff

Oct-26-2007 07:01

Jas dont be silly! Youre not that young ;)

Lady Jas
Lady Jas
The Chosen One

Oct-26-2007 07:05

LOL biggie, wrong person, I havent posted on this post till just now!!!!

Lucky Stiff

Oct-26-2007 16:06


I *am* slowly losing it.... I could have SWORN that was you!!

Charlotte Montgomery
Charlotte Montgomery

Oct-26-2007 16:52

So, yeah...I'm one of those annoying youths, until Jas took me under her wing. *takes out paper*

*clears throat* "Jas is my role model, she has inspire me to do many things and i want to be just like her when I grow up. *hands paper back to Jas* ;)

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