PE Contact
May-23-2007 16:07
I'm not exactly a newbie, but i feel like one. I haven't been able to get a PE contact!!!
I know that this can take a while, but come on!!!!! (lol)
I'm unable to solve the harder cases (above R.R. Hard) and I'm not getting any skill points for the ones I can solve, which means I can't acquire more skills to be able to solve the harder cases. It's real frustrating!
I'm wondering if i should keep trying, or start another detective.
Any ideas would be appreciated.
Replies |
V Buster
Old Shoe
May-23-2007 16:12
Stay put and keep doing cases and favours and the contact will come. When you get your contacts is a random thing, but the more xp you have the more likely you are to get a contact.
Also while you may not get skill points for every case, every few cases you will get a skill point.
Arabella Parker
May-23-2007 16:17
You will eventually get a PE contact. I believe after 150,000 experience the chance of you getting your second contact is increased.
As for skill points, you will earn them even if you only do easy cases. The experience needed per skill point is based on the amount of experience you have. As your experience goes up, so does the amount it takes to earn your next skill point.
Since you are subscribed and in an agency you can have your team mates help with your cases by using their contacts to match the PE or even have them search the crime scene with their advanced smart skills. If your agency is too small, consider joining a larger agency which would have people there to help you.
Good luck and you will eventually get your contacts.
May-23-2007 16:33
Thank you VBuster & Arabella.
I'll try to stick with it a while longer.
May-24-2007 01:09
That's really strange, because I just have 8100 exp. and I have my PE contact...
Pinball Amateur
May-24-2007 01:47
Getting contacts is a completely random process. Some people get them right off the bat. Some people take a VERY long time to get them (like 200,000-400,000 points to earn a second contact).
Agarwal, count yourself lucky. Your next contacts in other cities may not come quite so quickly.
Kyana, keep going. It seems like a rightroyal pain in the I-won't-say-what, but you WILL get a second contact in NY. ;-)
Safety Officer
May-24-2007 03:46
My second contact in NY was my LAST contact (Cairo aside), so frustrated was I with the process that I moved on to London as soon as I was subbed. The very first favour I did in London I got a contact. Go figure. People above are sooo right, it's a very hit and miss process. Patience is key.
May-24-2007 07:52
Wow.. I figure my lack of luck is there in my case solving methods and acquiring skill points. I am losing my patience there.