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Better, Lesser, Equal
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Agent Andrew
Agent Andrew

Oct-7-2006 06:28

This game is simple. Player_01 picks two items, Player_02 chooses which one is better (or if their equal, if that's the case), and then repeat.

Player_O1: Pepsi or Coke?
Player_02: Pepsi > Coke. lemons or limes?
Player_o3: Lemons = Limes. Black or White.

...and so on...

I'll start.

Sherlock Holmes or Mrs. Marpel?
<, >, or = ?


Theresa Taylor
Theresa Taylor

Oct-10-2006 15:09

New York vs. London

R Anstett
R Anstett

Oct-10-2006 15:44

London > NY no Larry the Twerp

Tigers verus Steepers?

Lucian Ty
Lucian Ty

Oct-10-2006 16:57

Tigers=Steepers, because I have no idea what either does as of yet.

Books vs. Villains?

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