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Al Z
Al Z

Sep-19-2006 11:10

That's right, its Sushi Kitty's Birthday.

The Sushi Bar with Unlimited Catnip Flavored Sake' refills, hot or cold, is now open all day and all night!


No Dogs Allowed!

Er....sorry Dogberta!


Con Artist

Sep-19-2006 18:42

Happy Birthday! hugs darling!

sushi kitty
sushi kitty

Sep-19-2006 18:51


Free Fish, wow! What a perfect party! Great Idea, AL

Thanks for all the happy wishes, friends :)

I'll take some toro, and some hamachi, and tai, and some more toro. then some hamachi and tai and ika and maybe some ebi, and ooooh! unagi! give me some of that! and someone pass those maki over here. oh, and i just need some more ebi, pass that uni, and whooo! that wasabi tobiko is strong! Gotta get some Sake....catnip, yum :) and one more piece of toro...i swear i'm done.

*grabs a new Sake bottle and starts chugging*

Give me a mike, Serges!

"A little bit of Unagi in my life
A little bit of Hamachi by my side
A little bit of Toro is all I need
A little bit of Ika is what I see
A little bit of Sake in the sun
A little bit of Soju all night long
A little bit of Free Fish, here I am!
A little bit of Sushi makes me your Friend!"

*falls over, giddy from so much fish and sake*

...can anybody pass me that sushi platter over there?

R Anstett
R Anstett

Sep-19-2006 19:24

Walks in and looks at the amazing spread.

A very happy birthday to you Kitty.

Assistant Postman

Sep-19-2006 19:28

Happy Birthday Sushi

Lucky Stiff

Sep-19-2006 19:41


*still thinking unagi means awareness of danger*

Everything I learned in life I learned from watching "Friends" (DANGER!)

Al Z
Al Z

Sep-19-2006 21:41

Whew. Even with the Unlimited Version Spread I wasn't sure I was going to have enough for the party before Sushi Kitty herself passed unconscious from over-eating.

But you know when she starts with the poetry, she's on her way out!


Sep-20-2006 01:18

*raises a glass of plum wine while gobbling fresh yellowtail*

Happy Birthday, Kitty!!

Brishu Orton
Brishu Orton

Sep-20-2006 02:39

*prods unconscious Sushi Kitty with freshly caught halibut*

Happy Birthday!

Old Shoe

Sep-20-2006 02:57

Happy Birthday Soosh!
* Gives Sushi her birthday present, a gold fish! ;)*


Sep-20-2006 04:10

Happy Birthday sushi kitty, hope you had a great day and didn't get a stomach ache - may you always have a clean shirt, a clear conscience, and enough coins in your pocket to buy a plate of sushi :)

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