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Thank You all from Gibbs!
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Aug-25-2006 05:59

first off I want to thank all for sticking up for Gibbs in the recent bad encounter we had with an agent.
Now just to clear the matter up I would like to post Gibbs side of the story.
As like any agency. We have policies that we expect to be followed. And every new agent is told to read these policies when they are accepted into Gibbs, as a matter of fact our recruiting board even says to go and read our website.
Our policies on our website read as follows:



Aug-25-2006 15:19

I agree with cfm , lets give the girl a chance. She obviously loves this game and hopefully learns from this experience.

Con Artist

Aug-25-2006 15:50

No one thinks bad of Gibbs in this. I'm inspired by the community that we have that stood up together. I think that's a very cool thing that we have here. It's part of why I love Sleuth so much. There are so many great people and so many great friends here. It's more than just a game for me now, it really is a community. :0)


Aug-25-2006 17:19

I hate it when dogs become victim over a divorce of some sort. :)

Either this whole thing happened while I was gone, or I have been sleeping. What it looks like to me is a simple case that probably has happened to most agencies. Someone joins your agency, and then suddenly is gone. Eventually you boot this person.

Sometimes people then turn in to turds. Some turds create alter ego's.

However there seems to be a public apology, and I'd say if the dog is paid back then moving back is the thing to do.

I concur that I doubt anyone thinks badly of Gibbs, as we know how this stuff works. They have always been known as a group of standup players, and most of us would put little weight on the words of a disgruntled fired agent.

I still feel bad about the dog though.


Aug-25-2006 17:27

I mean moving on, not back.

Oscar Van De Hut
Oscar Van De Hut

Aug-25-2006 22:34

Thanks to everyone on behalf of gibbs agency


Aug-26-2006 20:27

Thank you all for defending the gibbs agency name.

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