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Finding Big Lucy
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Catrina Davis
Catrina Davis

Aug-25-2006 11:51

I paid for the information to find big Lucy, but I can't figure out how to get there if it isn't listed on the map. After I paid the guy for the info I ended up at the map, did I skip a step somehow?


Arabella Parker
Arabella Parker

Aug-25-2006 12:00

This is copied straight from the Newbie FAQ that is located at the bottom of every page.

How do I find Big Lucy? Who is Larry the Toe?
Big Lucy's Cabaret is a famous night spot that takes some work to find. Lucy keeps the Cabaret on the move, and it never appears visibly on the map. Larry the Toe, a local "entrepreneur" can help you find the Cabaret's current location, for the right price. When Larry tells you the location, be sure to go visit the Cabaret before starting another case. When you start a case, the Cabaret location will move and you will not be able to find it again without Larry's help.

So, just follow the directions Larry gave you. If you can not remember what Larry said, move your cursor slowly over the map, when the arrow turns to a hand, then you have found the right location.

Old Shoe

Aug-26-2006 01:17

Another neat quick trick is to left click on a blank area of the map. This should highlight all the townie locations, plus one other. The one other should be where Big Lucy is.

Sleuth Admin
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner

Aug-26-2006 12:27

The trick Crunchpatty suggests only works on some browsers. It does work on Mozilla, and Netscape. It does not work on IE or Opera. I haven't tried it on AOL or Safari, but I'd guess it's just the direct Netscape descendants.

R Anstett
R Anstett

Aug-26-2006 13:05

The 'edit -> select all ' (ctrl A is the hot key in windows) command should work in all browsers to highlight all the information on a page.

Catrina Davis
Catrina Davis

Aug-26-2006 17:34

Thanks everybody.

Old Shoe

Aug-26-2006 23:48

Aha, didn't know that Ben - yup, I'm using the 'zilla, so that makes sense.

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