waiting for new day.
Vin Riddick
Jul-18-2004 23:33
I am trying to start a little experiment. While waiting for the new cases start up for the new day. Lets start a Big story line. If you don't want to that's fine. The best is Diane. She can do great story lines. Anyone want to start. (Obviously I am really bored)
Replies |
Vin Riddick
Aug-1-2004 23:34
Vin Side Steps the Whole in the floor.
" I just ran into Bella she is lying on the side walk," Vin says looking at everyone.
" Dis is da Reel Bella" Vin Says in a Thick accent, and then does some kind of MOJO dance.
" I am warding off bad spirits." Vin announces and then Walks out of the Shop.
" What the hack was that?" Sir James Says.
"That," Says Elsey" Is the old witch doctor that sometimes comes out of Vin. Her great grand mother is Madam Gris."
"Oh," Said Sir James"What does she mean when she says Bella is lying on the side walk."
They all walked out side and sure enough the twin Bella or "STELLA" was lying on the side walk and Vin was standing over her with a Bid Ritual Knife.
" VIN!!, Yells Elsey. "What are you doing? Put that knife down."
Vin Looks at everyone her eyes Clouded over and Pure white.
" Dis women is pure Evil. She muss be destroyed before she kills de real Bella Luna."
" No Bella screams. She is my sister. We will take her to my Agency and question her. I have Questions I need answered."
" DAT, is your descion Bella Luna. Jou can do what eva you desira." Then Vin changed and Put the knife into her pocket. Turned and walked to the Mayors Office.
" What have you got for me Mayor."
" Here is what you asked for, Don't come and ask for this kind of Favor again unless you are willing to pay with more than Money"
" DOn't threaten me Mayor. I am more dangerous then you think."
Vin then walked to the Black Swan Agency with her Documents on Bella and Stella.
Sir James
Aug-2-2004 07:05
Meanwhile in the charmingly decorated office of Bella Luna, Franky, Bella's personal receptionist, has his hands full serving everybody that gathered there coffee.
Stella is seated on the stylish Italian leather sofa, her hands tied behind her back. Bella is seated behind her desk, and the others stand around looking from the one to the other wondering how it is possible that two people can look so much like eachother.
"Thank you Frankie, that will be all."
"Uhm actually, could you get me another sugar?" Sir James asks, displaying his incredible sense of bad-timing. "What? Did I do something wrong?"
At this awkward moment, Vin rushes in.
"Seeing as Frankie wasn't in, I just let myself in. Hi Frankie, one espresso please." And she slaps the documents on the desk.
A shocked silence. The only thing heard is the indignant mumbling of Sir James. "Well, how was I supposed to know she ment to dismiss him?"
DaRu can't take it any longer and, taking Sir James by his collar, whispers at him: "WILL you be quiet, there are VERY important things about to happen, and I won't let your mumbling drown out ANYTHING that's about to be said. Do you understand?"
Everyone is looking expectantly at Bella and Vin...
Vin Riddick
Aug-2-2004 13:27
Vin Looks at Bella with Sympathetic Eyes.
" What ai am about to reveal is going to be very hard on Bella. I am so sorry."
"It's ok Vin, But I would like to tell the story."
"Yes, Of Course, this is yours to tell."
Vin took his espresso from Franky and watched as Franky gave Sir James his Surger. She smiled trying not to laugh at Sir James hurt look.
Everyone stared at bella and waited in anticipation.
Bella Luna
Aug-2-2004 16:36
Well I know I am admired for my taste in clothes, eye for detail not only for crime scene search but also for picking just the right bag to go with my shoes. And I know that this excellent taste I have for style and coffee would indicate that I am of European descent,the grandaughter of an Italian prince maybe. But the truth is I'm not.....Before Bella can say anything else. One of Stella eyes pop out of her head and rolls on to the floor.
Bella Luna
Aug-2-2004 16:45
Gunn picks it up. This eye is glass, with that the other eye pops out and rolls accross the floor. Vin starts to change personalities. Two eyes poping out of someones head and rolling on the floor can do that to you. Elsey screams and Sir James faints and every one else stares in amazement.
Bella Luna
Aug-2-2004 16:48
Then DaRu Points to Stella what's that large wire sticking out of Stella's ear. Sure enough a large wire is now protruding from the eyeless Stella.
Aug-3-2004 00:08
Elsey's eyes grow wide as she stares at 'Stella'.
"It's a robot!" Elsey yells, pointing at the eyeless woman. "Was there EVER a real Stella?"
Vin Riddick
Aug-3-2004 00:33
Vins Eyes Glaze.
" I can answer that. My name is Dr. Swartz. Dr. Kay was right in warning you about Dear Vin but it wasn't Vin she was actually warning you about it was me. Not only am I a Doctor But also a Toy Maker and I wanted to see what would happen if I put my new invention into the world, For one day A store will me named after me as FAO SWARTZ TOY EMPORIUM."
Everyone was stareing at Vin.
" She's Crazy says Gunn. A store Emporium indeed. Your a Nut."
Vin Snapped and Grabbed Gun by the Shirt.
" WHo you callin a NUT Shrimp."
Elsey ran over and Calmed Vin Down.
Vin Slumped and Sat Heavily in a chair.
" Well," Said Elsey. I guess we know the Secret now. What do we do?"
Everyone stared not knowing what to do next.
Aug-3-2004 12:53
....Meanwhile on at "Just Around the Corner" Kay is throwing her daughter a birthday part. she is 2 today...
sir edward helps kay put the decorations up he is a retired detective (retired very early on).
Gosh i need to get the cake form the bakery before it closes ill be back.
kay leaves to go get the cake for the party.
Vin Riddick
Aug-3-2004 14:06