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Sleuth Admin
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner

Feb-22-2004 20:32

I have a couple of questions I'd like some feedback on. Please Answer by replying to this post.

1) Is the game fun? Really fun, kind of fun, funner than going to the dentist?

2) Can you think of anything that would make the game more fun?

3) Is the game too hard? Too easy?




Apr-16-2004 19:03

Oh, another idea! I'm full of them, just not all at once :)
this would change the gameplay, but maybe later on..
you could pay for a meal/haircut, a drink or something, and have a tiny chance of overhearing gossip.


Apr-19-2004 08:39

To increase the variety of cut-scenes, case names, intros ("I'll never forget that case"), and so on --

perhaps create a way for players to make suggestions about these? Either they could make suggestions for parts of the story that would be part of a permanent stock to draw from (say, to get the number of possible intros to 100), or there could be a more fluid system where some parts of the story constantly changed (so that the possible intros just rotated through different people's suggestions).

I'm being kinda unclear let me know if I should clarify...

Logan Myers
Logan Myers

Apr-19-2004 14:14

I gnerally hope that there are more "aesthetic" stuff in the game. It can be anything that improves the "role-playing" aspect of the game, eg. graphics, music(?!) and other features etc, that gets you into the detective game.

The "City News" is a nice touch. Thanks to Sleuth Admin for that! Someone mentioned in another thread about a "background" write-up for their detectives, which I think is good. More cut-scenes and intros (mentioned by Sirgarr) would also be great. Stuff like that.

Also, can we have enough character pics, so that you need not use the Detectives' pics for Suspects? It's kinda weird to interview someone looking like yourself!? :P

And a general thanks for Sleuth Admin for acceding to our requests, and for providing this great game!


Apr-19-2004 16:47

Yes, a general thanks -- this is getting better and better all the time!

Sleuth Admin
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner

Apr-19-2004 17:08

And thanks to all you guys. I wish I kept a list of everybody who gave me specific feedback that was useful, but I didn't.

In particular, thanks to those of you who've pointed out potential cheats and exploits without taking advantage of them yourselves.


Apr-19-2004 21:40

Hey! How about a *weekly* limit?

Sleuth is so destructive to people's lives :) (seriously!) because of the pressure to play so much each day. Giving more flexibility in how to pace that over a week would be wonderful.

Sleuth Admin
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner

Apr-19-2004 22:12

Wouldn't that make Treasure Hunts go too fast?

Like, if everybody in the agency burned through 20 mysteries in a day, that would be 6 or 7 favors each, enough to get through a treasure hunt in a matter of hours.


Apr-19-2004 23:41

I guess so. Hmm -- maybe there is a creative way to balance those things?


Apr-20-2004 11:57

I'm really feeling the pressure to play each day now that I couldn't play much for almost a week and Penelope stormed right past me in the charts :) I think it's a shame fun things have to be addictive. Or is it just my competitive nature...

If an agency burned through 20 mysteries in one day and got through one hunt really quickly, wouldn't that mean they'd be unable to participate in many hunts later in the week, though? So not completely unfair.

Sleuth Admin
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner

Apr-20-2004 12:23

My biggest problem with doing weekly instead of daily limits is how much it will turn some new players off, really quickly.

Imagine if you just start the game, get really into it, and go through all your weekly plays in a day or two. Then you find out that you need to wait 5 or 6 days until playing again. By that time, they may have completely forgotten about us. Boo hoo.

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