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Basil Bradford
Basil Bradford

Sep-18-2005 23:47

I think it would be a great incentive for players if we could aquire more than 2 contacts per city. I don't mean right away of course, but say every 500 or 800 thousand experience points, get another one. Why limit to just two contacts when you're bustin' your butt working in the city, doing favors left and right etc? you're bound to make more than two contacts at some point I'd think.


Lady Emerald Devon
Lady Emerald Devon

Sep-20-2005 21:20

Anyhow, so I was thinking. When treasure hunting, and you don't get a favour, and you're in with the mob... can you ask them to make all that person's (ie Ms Fortune Teller) friends and family disappear? ;)


Sep-21-2005 08:07

When I first read that, my thought was "no, but apparently LED can force a gender change (or gender confusion at least)". Then, it hit me you simply aren't referring to NYC, where the Fortune Teller is a he. :)

Interesting options, though.


Sep-21-2005 13:29

As Reda shared by joining an agency gives all the contacts needed to finish checking the crime scene evidence. Before I let "Lone Wolf," go, I use to convience non-subscribers to subscribe & join our agency for the reasons we could help check their cases, use our equipment, and go on treasure hunts. It worked! Most of our agents were newbies, & I enjoyed knowing I played a part in getting people to join & help support this game. I really miss it. Anyway, more than two contacts would make it too easy. The agents that have the "Special Skills," helps narrow down the suspects down. (*_*) < My happy face..hehe.

Sherlock H0lmes
Sherlock H0lmes

Sep-27-2005 16:45

I think favors/contacts should be more relationship based. You do a favor or two (or whatever) for the same person and he'll become your contact. The more successful favors you do for someone the longer they'll let you question them before clamming (the contacts would still clam). If you fail to solve a favor case, you're standing with that person goes down. Sort of like contact experience


Sep-27-2005 16:47


Contacts clamming!!!!

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