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Why you should subscribe?
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Jun-28-2005 06:10
(sticky post)

I am shamelessly going to post this, so I then shamelessly can link to it from the moderators picks.

Hoping that we get more people subbing. For the simple reason, this game exists because people subscribe.

(Disclaimer: Mods, or even anyone else...make money of this game. It is volunteer run. Subscription money is used to pay for hardware and software to run this game.)



Apr-11-2007 20:19

OH. Good reasons jstkdn!

Don't hate me for this but I'm not gonna suscribe. I don't feel like it's necisary. I barely go on this site and don't go on the computer 24/7 like some of you peoplez do. Besides I wouldn't really care if a site is gone, that is not cold-hearted. I just don't find this game interesting. o_O


Apr-11-2007 20:20

But you keep on suscribin, Sleuth loversz

Old Shoe

Apr-12-2007 00:16

I don't findz it necisary to hatez you at all. Good luckz :)


Apr-23-2007 10:32

So another question. I understand that I won't be ejected from the agency if my sub runs out. Would I be able to participate in the agency activities??


Apr-25-2007 11:34

You won't have access to the case files and cannot travel, so you would only be able to help out on treasure hunts in the city you are at. You will have access to the message boards.


Apr-26-2007 23:11

I'm too young to have a credit card, so I'll see if my mom will let me subscribe. :D


Apr-27-2007 03:30

I'll have to wait till my exams are over, then I'll earn some money for myself... Hopefully I'll be subbed by may end.


May-27-2007 18:57

New to this, but it seems to be a game that makes you think. Will subscribe in the next few months when I have more time to play. Til then I'm quite happy with 4/5 cases a day.
With regards to the price, it seems very reasonable to me $45 for a year (£20) much better than playing other games where you have to buy the software then pay to play.

Meteor Roger
Meteor Roger

Jun-19-2007 19:14

I have a question: I printed out an invoice for 2 months ($10 USD). The first step on the instruction says to "Make Check or Money Order out to Hypothetical Software." Is Money Order similar to a Check? Or could I just send two $5 dollar bills (which I currently have beside me) through the mail?

R Anstett
R Anstett

Jun-19-2007 20:07

Yes you can do that (sending cash through the mail) if you need to. It is not the recommended way, but it will work.

A check is a personal instrument, while a money order is something that is backed by a bank. Both work mostly the same here in the United States.

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