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Sleuth Olympics First Week's Activities
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Pinball Amateur

Aug-2-2016 17:29

The Arch Villain Hunt

Choose two detectives from your team. Those two players will do an Arch-Villain hunt, with the usual rules applying for a tournament. Both detectives have until Wednesday, August 10, to capture their villains. Hunters may travel up to Shangri-La the previous night (Wednesday, August 3), but ANYONE who starts a hunt before Thursday, 12:00, SST, will be disqualified (so make VERY sure you don't do it). Scores will be determined on a team basis, and by days, not time (people overseas won't have to be up at odd hours of the night to deal with Server times this way). Anyone traveling through Cairo MUST either post it on the boards, or send a PM to Riza or Breit announcing that they are (we WILL be verifying that). Sidekick cases are banned, as usual. Apartment and Agency gear is legal. If, for some reason, there are technical issues with the servers, all hunters will be given extra time to complete their hunts.

An individual hunter's number of days will be counted up, added to his/her teammate's number of days, and the lowest combined sum will be the winner. The first TEAM to capture their villains will receive 10 points. Second team to capture will receive 7. Third will receive 5, and fourth will receive 3. All teams receive 3 participation points each for each AV hunter on their team (I.E. - 6 points total).

If, for some reason, you guess wrong, and fail a hunt, DO NOT QUIT. Go back to Shangri-La and start over. BOTH members of the team must capture in order to receive placement points. So keep going (even if you takes you four times, voice of experience talkin' here ;-).

The Cairo Scavenger Hunt

For the other two detectives from your team, you will be going to Cairo (big surprise there ;-). You need to complete ten favors from EACH of the townspeople in Cairo, in no particular order. Once you have completed a favor from a townsperson, you MUST make a screenshot at the end (completion) of the favor, like this:


Real McCoy
Real McCoy

Aug-3-2016 22:50

Angry women must
Keep their cool before they want
To throw frying pans

Real McCoy
Real McCoy

Aug-3-2016 22:58

Autumn Springs and Sultry
Put their right hand on their cheek
Toothache just begun

Sultry De Mon
Sultry De Mon
Con Artist

Aug-3-2016 23:04

Keep her cool she will
A frying pan she does toss
Nailed him on the head

Safety Officer

Aug-3-2016 23:32

Yoda Haiku, nice.


Aug-3-2016 23:43

Mad Sultry De Mon
Anger management class
Was waste of money

Pinball Amateur

Aug-4-2016 00:39

I like the haikus!! Keep 'em up, guys!! ;-D

All hunts are now officially OPEN!! ;-)

(Townies, beware. Sleuth is comin' to get you. ;-)


Pinball Amateur

Aug-4-2016 00:42

And here's my one *and ONLY* ever attempt at a haiku:

Townies beware all
Sleuth is comin' to get you
Edmund, you're toast, Guv



Aug-4-2016 01:35

Breitkat tried first haiku
London barber got a threat
Sweeney Todd he's not

Safety Officer

Aug-4-2016 02:05

Cases suck... nuff said.


Aug-4-2016 02:34

So do the favors.

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