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Sleuth Olympics
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Pinball Amateur

Jun-27-2016 17:56

In just under six weeks, the 31st Summer Olympics and the 15th Paralympics will occur in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Athletes from over 190 countries around the world will gather to compete in some 35 different overall sports over a period of about 3 weeks.

Many people have commented recently that they would like to see some more activities taking place here on Sleuth. A few of us creatively evil types were wondering if we put together a series of activities for people, would y'all be interested??

We are looking for at least 8-12 people, of all experience levels; both hunters (treasure, casework, and Arch Villain) and writers will be needed. People will be competing in a team format. We're probably looking at Subbed players for now, but we're working on having at least two activities (not necessarily part of the teams, but supplemental to them) that will be exclusive to UNSUBBED players. All of these activities will have an Olympics theme.

So. Any takers?? ;-)

Please let us know below.

Thank you!!


Sultry De Mon
Sultry De Mon
Con Artist

Jul-31-2016 20:01

*Shakes pom poms*

Red Hot, Red Hot
You can't handle
what we got
nuh-uh, nuh-uh
Red Hot, Red Hot
you can't handle
what we got
our team is
Red Hot

Sultry De Mon
Sultry De Mon
Con Artist

Jul-31-2016 20:02

nough said ; )

Con Artist

Jul-31-2016 20:07

We are pretty damn amazing.

luc pfeiffer
luc pfeiffer

Aug-1-2016 00:12

Um, is there supposed to be a dance that goes with that? If so, I vote can-can. L

Pinball Amateur

Aug-1-2016 00:27

Okay, set up time is now *CLOSED*. So put down the pens, thumbs off the mice. Good job, everyone!! ;-D ;-D ;-D

Let me introduce you all to a few of your Judges....

Introducing the Head Panel:

In charge of logistics, and overall Admin stuff:

Secret Squirrel!! ;-D


In charge of scorekeeping, timekeeping, item collections, and poetry wunderkind:

Riza Hawkeye!! ;-D


And in charge of basically everything else, including mass panicking:

Yours truly!! ;-D

*Listens to the dead silence after that announcement....*


Thank you so much for that rousing endorsement.

Now. On to the next round of Judges. Each event will have any one of about ten judges or monitors observing and overseeing you all.

For this particular task (the Agency Creations), your Judges are:

Paranoid Android

Daenerys Targaryen

(Please make sure you spell Daenerys' name correctly when you send her an invite. We really don't want the wrong person coming in to evaluate you guys. ;-)

All teams, please send an invitation to these two people so they can have a look at your work. Any team that would like to let the rest of us have a look at your hard work is more than free to post anything on The Stage. We'd all love to have a look.

Lastly, PLEASE do not assume that this will be the last time that you'll have to deal with what you've created on your boards. (Big mistake there.) Sometime, somewhere, there *WILL* be another look-see by a group of judges to see what you've done with your Agencies since tonight. So keep up the good work, and DON'T stop. (You may not get another warning, so take this for what it is, a VERY serious forewarning. Hint, hint, hint.)

So. Tomorrow (Tuesday, August 2), I'll have a post up about what exactly your teams will be expected to do for their first week's activities. All activities will start on Thursday, 12:00 AM, SST.

So see you tomorrow, and great work, everyone!! Now back to the fight songs and cheerleaders!! Rah, rah, rah!!



Aug-1-2016 00:34

When will the aforementioned judges resign from their agencies?

Pinball Amateur

Aug-1-2016 00:37

P.S.--BadAss, love the video. Thanks for finding that!! ;-D


Ms Helen
Ms Helen
Con Artist

Aug-1-2016 01:51

I have tried to invite both of the esteemed judges to our humble quarters, however I have been unable to invite Deanerys as she still resides in her own agency. We're ready to welcome you with open arms Deanerys when you are ready :)

*United we play, United we win. Feminine but deadly.*

Sleuth Sindy
Sleuth Sindy
Pinball Wizard

Aug-1-2016 01:58

I tried to invite the judges as well but was unable to invite either of them. Maybe it would be better if they were to PM each agency when they're free to join the agency and do their judging?

Pinball Amateur

Aug-1-2016 02:00

I expect Android will resign sometime tonight. Daenerys (again, watch the spelling on her name, please), is usually on about 4AM SST. You guys might send *ONE* P.M. from each team, asking each one of them when they'd like an invite. They are expecting to hear from people, so yes, they have been warned.

Hope that helps a bit. Let me know if you're still having problems with contacting them by Noon, SST, Monday.

Thank you!! ;-)

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