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My Sleuth Noir Chrome Extension
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May-30-2015 10:00

In case you weren't aware, browsers have something call extensions, which a developer can create to enhance the interface. Today, I took some time to create an extension that will enhance your gameplay on Sleuth Noir. However, the intent is not to cheat, automate deduction, circumvent the system, etc.

You can download and try it on your Chrome browsers from the Google Store:

The first version has the following features:
1) Prevent accidental double clicks (links are disabled for three seconds after first click)
2) Monochromatic Noir themed colours on Detective Notes (instead of red/green/blue)
3) "Rule out Alibi" button to rule out all real alibis, researched, and dead
4) Quick Action links on Map page
a) Consult Fortune Teller to see whether all suspects are revealed
b) Research the Case without going to the City Hall
5) After checking if a person suspects another, you get a new link to check another person without hitting the back button
6) Automation in the following scenarios, only because it is a no-brainer
a) If you can lock pick a suspect, it will be triggered on suspect visit
b) You will ask your contact about the case on first visit
c) You will ask your contact about alibis, if available

I am not sure about you guys, but I have a Lenovo laptop and my index finger is sore from playing this game. I feel this extension doesn't take away the fun and still relies on the player's abilities. Since the page has to load before the extension kicks in, you may find elements being added late.

Do let me know whether you have any concerns or suggestions.





Jun-2-2015 23:53

Just for the record, there aren't going to be anymore automation features.

Off the three, only the lock picking falls into the category of "Oops!". From the next update onward, I will make these features disabled by default, but the user can enable them with a disclaimer, if they wish. Is that OK?

BTW, how is the user experience for everyone on the new update? If you want to create your own theme and know CSS, just download this file and upload it somewhere. Then replace the 'Theme CSS' in the extension options to reflect that path.

Safety Officer

Jun-3-2015 00:09

Holy crap that's GREEN! LOL!

Sleuth Admin
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner

Jun-3-2015 08:29

Heh, that was my reaction yesterday too SS. I had forgotten that I had turned the extension back on the other day to get an idea of how it worked. And BAM ! GREEN!

Sleuth Admin
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner

Jun-3-2015 08:31


Thank you very much for cooperating. I definitely don't want to dissuade folks from taking on these kinds of projects. Having such an incredibly creative and engaged community of players is what keeps things fresh around here.

Sleuth Strong!


Jun-3-2015 14:11

NP Ben. SS, if you want me to make a particular theme to your liking, just let me know, but first I need to fix the screen flickering problem.

Safety Officer

Jun-3-2015 18:10

lol it's ok Jusmah, you can turn that part of the extension off. It was just VERY green :D

Safety Officer

Jun-3-2015 18:13

what it did remind me of is that there are lots of sleuth backgrounds I haven't used for a while, hence I'm not sporting Secret Background 3

Safety Officer

Jun-3-2015 18:13

... err I mean 2 of course.


Jun-3-2015 22:07

Cool... yep, you can switch off themes too.


Jun-4-2015 04:12

I just pushed another update to the Chrome Store and you should receive one soon.

Changes in current update:
1) Automation is disabled for new users by default, along with a note
2) Check for another physical evidence, similar to witness evidence
3) No more flickering due to themes
4) New theme - "Blanche!"
As the name denotes, it is mostly white, and a lot better than Green Leaf

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