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Daily Pub Quiz
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Jan-4-2005 18:37

See if there is interest for this.

1. Each day I will post 10 questions, at random times of the day.
2. Each Quiz runs exactly 24 hours.
3. The first person that has all 10 questions right, wins. Or if no one has all questions right, the best one wins.
4. You can only post answers ONCE for the same quiz.
5. No cash involved. Just glory. :)


Safety Officer

May-13-2006 04:01

lol it's meant to be on your basic knowledge jai, or the answers you can 'borrow' from others answers ;), but i say if you knew Kashyyyk u can still have the win this time round. Or 'the win this time, can you have...' in my best Yoda voice :)


May-13-2006 04:24

Did it actually ever say that no googling was allowed or was that just added along the way by the purists? :D

Safety Officer

May-13-2006 05:49

I don't know? I could never be called pure, so I bow to your moderated wisdom [lol that doesn't sound right, but you know what i mean...] I try not to use Google / Wikipedia with the questions or the answers, that way I figure if a dumbass like me knows them, someone else might too. :)

jai holmes
jai holmes

May-13-2006 11:45

OK, but you know, googling is much more interesting, educational, and challenging then just writing down answers you already know.

A seperate set of quiz should be set up in which we're allowed to quiz, and the questions should be hard to search for, even from google.

Rosamund Clifford
Rosamund Clifford
Tale Spinner

May-14-2006 03:06

To Google or not to Google, that is the question... Anyway, here are some juicy royal murders. Some were murders, some were assassiinations, some might not have happened at all, but here goes:

1. On what day was Julius Caesar murdered?
2. What mythical Greek king was killed by his wife and her lover in a bath?
3. Some historians say he was murdered, some say he was not, and his mummy has recently been X-rayed. Who was he?
4. What Roman emperor was poisoned with mushrooms by his wife who was also his niece, and succeeded by his stepson Nero?
5. What were the names of two English queens sent to the block by their royal husband for "high treason" (adultery)?
6. What was the nickname of Elizabeth, empress of Austria, assasinated at the Lake Geneva?
7. What Engish king was murdered, again by his wife and her lover, for (this is a simplification) his "unusual sexual preferences"?
8. What "wicked uncle" murdered the Princes in the Tower?
9. Francis Ferdinand of Austria and his wife were assassinated 1914. in what city?
10. What Roman emperor, whose nickname means "the little boot", was killed by his praetorian guards?

And this is a bonus question:

What was the name of Henry II?s mistress allegedly poisoned by his wife, Eleanor of Aquitaine?


May-14-2006 03:32

Ooooh I like history. I know little to nothing about English I pass on those.

1. Somewhere in the first century BC. :)
2. Agamemnon
3. King Tut?
4. Claudius
5. Celine Dion and Paris Hilton
6. Sissy?
7. Charles
8. Uncle Donald
9. You mean Franz Ferdinand the duke after which WWI ignited? I don't know the city but it was in the Balkans somewhere. Belgrade?


May-14-2006 03:33

10. Caligula

Safety Officer

May-14-2006 07:19

I'll offer 1. Ides of March which is 15th yeah?
5. Anne Boleyn and one of the Catherines spring to mind... Henry VIII's always good for a beheading or two... I'll say Catherine Howard and not Parr coz I'm sure Parr was the last one and the last one survived.
7. I think it was Dick III who murdered huey duey and louey!
(I think I've seen Sissy the movie on our international channel, goes for hours, lots of flouncing.)
and teehee to the bonus question RC ;)

Blaise Joshua
Blaise Joshua

May-14-2006 09:52

9) Sarejevo (I think - unsure of spelling)

Rosamund Clifford
Rosamund Clifford
Tale Spinner

May-15-2006 03:47

1. Ides of March
2. Agamemnon
3. Tutankhamen (or king Tut)
4. Claudius
5. Anne Boleyn and Catherine Howard
6. Sissy
7. Edward II, about whom Marlowe wrote a tragedy once thought to be Shakespeare's (I was tempted to ask our rain man to Google that one, but I was afraid of the purists' reaction)
8. Richard III (but there was no Louey, only Huey and Duey, i.e. Edward V and Richard)
9. Sarajevo

Bonus question:
Rosamund Clifford, the "fair Rosamond" of medieval ballads. I think that teehee answers it, so I give the laurel wreath to Secret Squirrel and he can share the leaves with the rest.

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