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Our "Sleuth Hero's & Fondest Memories"
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Jan-10-2012 14:35

Everybody has had mentors and hero’s throughout the years in this game. Someone who has touched your life in such a way that you’ll never forget them. Private moments shared that nobody knows about, but you’d love to tell. Though some acquaintances have been brief they are note worthy of mention. Then there are those ’s who are “Celebrities” in our eyes. “Legendary Detectives,” who not only affected you, but everybody that knew them, and yet their presence is still felt, though absent from the message boards. Great detectives retired or no longer active, but missed. Well, lets bring memories to life by paying tribute to them.

Without a doubt my two hero’s are the King and Queen of Sleuthsville, Ben and Sunny Ringold. From the first day I joined Sleuth, I was honored by their presence and through the years formed friendships. One great memory I have was when I called Ben and Sunny at their home one evening, all upset and crying. I was in a panic and in desperate need of their help. You see, after I left the first agency I joined here to start my own, one of the members left to join mine. I done everything I could to discourage her to go back, but she wouldn’t hear of it. This resulted in ill feeling against me. I started receiving hate mail from one of the directors, which soon turned X-Rated. The language was so defensive, I became an emotional wreck. Desperate and crying I called Ben at home. I’m sure when he answered the phone he didn’t know what to think of me, but he was kind and assured me that he'd check into it and see what he could do. Well, all I know is the harassment stopped and I was grateful. Through the years I have often thought about this and it's kept me smiling. By the way, if they didn‘t think about getting an unlisted phone number, they should have. *Wink*


Sal Iva
Sal Iva
Little Monster

Jan-12-2012 22:10

Like Riza, the person who had the biggest impact on me (the actual me, as a different detective) in Sleuth is still around. I played the 4 games for a couple of days and even though I wasn't very good at this yet, I knew right away that I liked the game, and so I subbed my detective. All I had to do was figure out how to play it. But I didn't make much progress at first. I kind of stumbled around trying to make sense of everything and did mostly low level cases. I figured "it'll take some time, but I'll pick it up". I wss usually on late in the evening (Eastern Time) and there wasn't much company. I did no socializing. At least, not until one of the veterans just popped a "Hi, how are ya?" at me. I was surprised but quite happy that someone had made contact with me. I was beginning to think this was a very lonely, but enjoyable game. After a few more "hellos" a little chat began and this person checked to see how I was making out and offered to help. It was like seeing an oasis in the desert. Soon, I was invited to join the agency. I did and my training began in earnest.This person virtually took me by the hand and encouraged me to take my first steps. Then prodded me to take bigger steps in spite of my lack of confidence. Before I knew it, I was walking and actually contributing to the agency. For these reasons and others, I'll always be grateful to Lady Jas and Blue Pagoda, which to me are one in the same. Thanks a million. :)

Lady Jas
Lady Jas
The Chosen One

Jan-12-2012 22:59

Thanks DaRu and Sal :) Y'all are too kind!

Oh DaRu, speaking of Chronestrian-he was a riot! And a very nice guy to me. He was always willing to help me out and even help my agents out with lots of valuable tricks and tips of the games, which left many unbelievers in some of the things he said, but for me and my agents, we knew them to be true.

He and I stay in contact via Facebook.


Jan-13-2012 10:49

Sal, you sounded like me when you mentioned a lack of confidence. I’ve been stumbling around here the past three months trying to figure out how to get an invitation from the Ambassador to see the Prince, so I could catch me a Villain, and I almost gave up. If it wasn’t for Lady Jas, Night Queen, and Riza, I’d probably be trading my house slippers in for a pair of running shoes, so I could get out of Dodge. Being an Old Shoe, I was feeling pretty discouraged. Then on my last case awhile ago I finally figured it out. Talk about making something harder than it is…! I’m finally going to the promise land. *Wahoo*

Oh, Jas, tell Chronestrain I said hello. Hopefully he remembers me.

I remember when I reached my first million points. Boy that was a big deal. As a Legendary Detective, I finally reached the No. 1 position on the leader boards and felt so proud. Talk about agent history…LOL! Then when I had to quit playing and was away a few years, I had no idea just how low I would go. Hey, that rhymed…LOL. When I finally returned, I was shocked to see your high scores, Jas and Riza, Wow! Way to go ladies. It’s fun to watch your scores increase. One thing for certain, I’ll be an old woman playing on my laptop in a nursing home, if I ever catch you guys…LOL! Oh, and Ben might want to consider banning me from the message boards, cause I will be rambling then. Ha-ha!


Jan-13-2012 11:17

Okay, I seriously think it's time I start begging for an "Edit Button." But, since I don't have one, I just have to fix it. Now Idoes this mean I'm O.C.D.?

It's "Ancient History." Alrighty then!


Jan-13-2012 11:19

Golly Moses, I'm hopeless:)


Jan-14-2012 19:11

LOL, looks like nobody is brave enough to share anything after my nonsense. I promise I'll stay quite and just enjoy. *Hugs*

Lady Jas
Lady Jas
The Chosen One

Jan-14-2012 19:49

I will definitely tell Chron (Les) you say hi!

You are legendary in my eyes sweetie! :)

Tome Raider

Jan-16-2012 12:03

When I first started playing Sleuth I knew I had to subscribe. The game was just what I was looking for, and I wanted to explore it more than just solving 4 cases a day in New York. I subscribed the first day, and figured I wanted to see what these agencies were all about. It didn't take me long before I got me an offer to join an agency with the rules "don't ask any questions and leave the director alone". Since the director was the only other member of the agency it was kinda lonely the 4 hours the agency existed before the director decided he didn't want it anyway.

That incident made me wary of the other offers I got, until Andrew Corelli dropped me a message about joining his agency. He took me under my wing and showed me the ropes, and told me that anytime I wanted to leave for a more active agency I was free to do as I pleased, and there would be no hard feelings.

I wish I could say I was loyal to Andrew Corelli, but I wanted more active people around, and when Lady Jas offered me a space at Blue Pagoda I knew I had to join. Andrew told me himself that there were few agencies that could offer more experience than Blue Pagoda and that I would love it there, and he was right! Mainly because of how well Lady Jas has treated me, letting me do as I please and always asking me how things are going.

Then later I started hanging around in the barchat, hoping someone would drop by. One day Riza Hawkeye joined the chat and immediately started to chat with me. She was so easy to talk to, and I think I only had one hour of sleep those first nights I saw her, because of the time difference between us. She taught me a lot about chasing villains, and clues about other secrets around Sleuthville, without ever telling me too much.

Through barchat and the message board I've spoken to a few of you already, and you're all great company. I'd like to mention Syn, Si, DaRu, joy and others, but first and foremost a big thank you to Mr Corelli, the Lady and Ms Hawkeye!

Pinball Pro

Jan-21-2012 18:17

Wow! Thanks for the kind words Riza and DaRu. During my time here I always want to make things fun and not take things too seriously. I have formed a bunch of great friendships becasue of this game.

I can't even remeber some of the names of the players from my very first subscription as it was way too long ago. I can't even remeber the name of the first agency I was in, but I do remember I had a couple of great directors and getting so excited about our first TH trophy!

Then I was gone for a bit and came back and got into Black Swan. That was a hard core agency and I was there for a while and slowly everyone lost interest.

On my third time coming back I announced myself as a free agent and was quickly picked up by Eye Spy who is still one of my favorite agencies. I formed a great relationship with CarrieMeHome and Woody and have had the pleasure of getting together with them several times, bit at SleuthCon and they came to a July 4th cookout at my parents several years back.

Sleuthcon in itself was a great experience as it made all the player actually "real" and was a great experience. From meeting Ben at the airport and him getting us lost on the way to the hotel (yes, I will still blame Ben even though I was driving) to meeting some great people it was a fabulous weekend.

I left Eye Spy after a bit and joined the number one agency in the game, Blue Pagoda, had some great times there THing with Jas and just having a blast.

Shortly after that I formed Dawg Pound Investigations, my baby! Best agency I have been a part of, probably becasue I started it, but in it's day it was nothing but fun. If we lost a TH, no big deal. Can't log in, so what. Main rule was to have fun. You should see some of the RP stories in there.

Pinball Pro

Jan-21-2012 18:21

This game is also where I got to meet someone that I consider to be one of my best friends ever. I am speaking of Makensie Brewer. I may make fun of her and her give it right back to me, but even though neither of us are her much, we still talk everyday and she has become a lifelong friend.

Sleuthtalk radio was a great tiime, I would love to start doing it again, but I am not really in the game as much and no longer have the time to put it together. But who knows, perhaps in the near future (After football season) I will make the time to do another show. Everyone was so supportive in that and we really did have fun, even with Octavia calling in to yell at me!

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