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Skills/ please help
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Dec-23-2004 16:33

I need to know how you can get other skills. Right now I have the thread analysis. I want to get the picking lock and others if you could explain how.



Dec-23-2004 21:59

I highly agree with MeganR6. And I do NOT recommend getting both toughness and charming skills. Those skills will help so that people don't clam on you or clam as quickly. If you have some money, you can go to the detective shop and buy accessories to help the skills you have. I also recommend getting accessories that complement charming or toughness skills.


Dec-27-2004 13:06

I looked and I have 10 skill points. What exactly is the rule bending? Is that a good one?

Old Shoe

Dec-27-2004 13:11

Rulebending is like sweettalking. It's a charm skill- so if you are charming, it's an asset. It's a basic, solid skill to have.

John Hale
John Hale
Yarn Weaver

Dec-27-2004 13:37

Whether you choose charm or toughness to help question witnesses, I've found Stress Detection rather useful. It tells you when they're about to clam up, which helps with prioritizing your questions. I got it in the beginning, though, so I can't comment on what playing is like without it.


Dec-27-2004 17:02

Well I am beanpole2274. I got fired from my last name. ooops. Any way why at the end of the cases and it says your client was guilty so you dont get the reward.. What is that?


Dec-27-2004 17:14

well they are not gonna pay you for getting them arrested. :) Makes sense if you think about it.. It bums me out too! And Make sure you pay off the shady character in the bar if you get 2 false accusations.


Dec-27-2004 19:42

At the start, its best to pick either charm or tough - if you are totally smart, it doesn't make a difference - but stick with one.
If you go 'charming' - all the sweet-talking skills will help you get more answers out of suspects before they clam up. Rule bending skills will help you get more answers from the Townies (Barber, Butcher) etc for checking alibis and matching threads and such to suspects. Both are REALLY important as you move to harder cases because everyone clams up much sooner.

Get the basic skills first, and get the gear to support them. If you go charming, for example, sell any tough gear right away. Also get research as soon as you can - its wonderful! and stay away from the faction skills (pickpocket, hypnosis, safecracking) til you have your basics. They are ok, but they are fluff compared to interview skills.

Sly Spy
Sly Spy

Dec-27-2004 21:29

I would get the skills that are highest in points first. You will get sk. pts. to spend less often with the more xperience you have. Which means like if u don't have research, get it first. It costs around 13 sk. pts. Something like that. Think of skill pts like money. Would you blow your money on a five dollar item when u REALLY need a 10 dollar item?


Dec-27-2004 23:05

Research is a great skill but I would still go with basic charming or tough interviewing skills first. interviewing skills will help with multiple people. Research will only eliminate 1 suspect.
each person has their own way of solving cases and getting skills. but someone else said it this way, why go through all the trouble of accumulating 13 pts when you can pick up a skill at 6pts that will help you now? true the more experience you have the slower it gets to earn pts. but if you have more skills, then you can do harder cases to help offset that.


Dec-28-2004 00:32

I am with giulianar on this. Research is good, but it won't do enough for you when you can't complete your suspect list, for example.

So my vote is, if you are tough, get Interrogation and Intimidation - all levels - as soon as you can.

If you are charming, get Sweet Talking and Rule Bending - all levels - as soon as you can.

Sweet Talking/Interrogation work with suspects.

Rule Bending/Intimidation work with townspeople.

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