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2010 March Madness
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Anais Nin
Anais Nin

Feb-22-2010 13:47

Waaaay before my time here, Serges hosted Sleuth March Madness in 2007. I thought it looked like a lot of fun, so... without further ado, The copy pasted rules from then with minor modifications! ;)

The premise is pretty simple. We compile a list of 64 of the game's most recognizable players, seed them into a tournament bracket, and allow Sleuthville to vote for the "best" in each matchup.

Rules for eligibility:
You are not allowed to nominate yourself.
You may nominate up to 3 persons.
The nominated must be over 30 days old by March 1, 2010, and active.

Entries and nominations should be messaged ASAP. As soon as we get 64, the seeding process will begin and the matchups will be posted.

After the initial bracket is filled, I will post a few matchups here every day. Then, the people involved in those matchups will have an opportunity to say "anything" on this thread that they feel will allow them to advance to the next round of competition. Sleuthville votes will be what decides the winners, and voting information will be coming soon.

The overall winner of this tournament will receive $100,000 sleuth cash.

We will start the voting on March 1st, so get your nominations in as quickly as possible! Please PM me the nominations, and I will be posting a list of who has been nominated, the brackets, and all that fun stuff as we go. :)


Anais Nin
Anais Nin

Feb-22-2010 16:39

Ooooh! Forgot one thing. No doubles! No submitting more people as your double, and when voting comes around, no voting as a double. Thanks! :D

Riza Hawkeye
Riza Hawkeye
First Nomad

Feb-22-2010 17:11

Aww, thanks ctown! :)

I nominate the caped man himself: ctown28, my awesome friend Anais Nin, and my fellow Survivor competitor, Joseph Zeo!

Anais Nin
Anais Nin

Feb-22-2010 18:29

So far we have the following 10 nominated:

Riza Hawkeye (by ctown28)
Peter O'Neil (by Violet Parr)
Talia Rune (by Violet Parr)
Thomas Veil (by Violet Parr)
Joseph Zeo (by Heimlich VonVictor)
Violet Parr (by Heimlich VonVictor)
Kyle XY Rocks (by Heimlich VonVictor)
Anais Nin (by Riza Hawkeye)
ctown28 (by Riza Hawkeye)
Ms Helen (by Riza Hawkeye)

54 openings left people! :)

Anais Nin
Anais Nin

Feb-22-2010 18:43


Anikka (by Ms Helen)
Heimlich VonVictor (by Ms Helen)
Rosamund Clifford (by Ms Helen)

Anais Nin
Anais Nin

Feb-22-2010 20:29

Adam Carter (by Anikka)
Cordelia Falco (by Anikka)
topkebab (by Anikka)

48 spots!

Cordelia Falco
Cordelia Falco
Battered Shoe

Feb-23-2010 00:53

Big thanks to Anikka for the nomination, but I'd really like to withdraw, if that's OK. I'm no good with this sort of thing.

Ms Helen
Ms Helen
Con Artist

Feb-23-2010 01:22

Awww Codey you shouldn't withdraw. All you need is a winning smile and a campaign manager. You already have the smile so you're halfway there :D

Ms Helen
Ms Helen
Con Artist

Feb-23-2010 01:22

Ummm Cordy even hehe

Anais Nin
Anais Nin

Feb-23-2010 06:12

If you really would like to withdraw, you may, Cordelia. Anikka? You have another nomination if you so wish. :)


turtledove (by Sir William Weine)

Still 48 spots left to fill!

Elizabeth March
Elizabeth March
Sleuth About Town

Feb-23-2010 08:12

I'd like to nominate Ms. Molly Maltese. I believe she deserves to have her name on this list.

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