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Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire!
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Anais Nin
Anais Nin

Dec-22-2009 23:45

Say three things about yourself, and make one thing a lie! The next person to post has to guess what is the lie.

To start:

1. I collect porcelain dolls
2. I love asparagus
3. My favorite color is red



Dec-30-2009 07:19

I go with # 3...

1. My husband is a computer nerd
2. I have sung alone during a church service
3. I am scared of talking in the telephone

Wolf Girl 22
Wolf Girl 22

Dec-30-2009 19:06

I'd have to say 3.

1. I have a goat named after one one my fathers workers that I dislike
2. I got into my first fight in Pre K and broke the boy's arm
3. I love shoping

Heimlich VonVictor
Heimlich VonVictor

Dec-30-2009 19:44

I'm going to say #3 just because it's the least detailed.

1. In college I was legally married for just under forty-eight hours in order to help my team win a scavenger hunt.
2. I was once arrested by campus police for damaging property. I escaped having a criminal record solely because they forgot to charge me and the statute of limitations ran out.
3. Despite my name being Daniel, I never heard the full song "Danny Boy" until I was seventeen.

M. Lacrimosa
M. Lacrimosa

Dec-30-2009 19:50

I'd have to say number 1. because I don't think anyone can only be married for under forty-eight seems unlikely

1. I play in a band that plays shows at the local bar regularly.
2. I get motion sickness very easily
2. Despite having the same first name as my father, I'm not a Junior

Wolf Girl 22
Wolf Girl 22

Dec-31-2009 09:26

I'd say #1 and Heim you were right. I hate shoping exept pet shopping! :D

1. I was asked to burp my ABC's on live radio once
2. When I road the school bus I bullied a 18 for apples and it worked
3. I once hooked my gaurd dog to my bike and it pulled me into a coy pond.

Heimlich VonVictor
Heimlich VonVictor

Dec-31-2009 11:34

I'm going to say #2 just because I don't think you're too much of a bully.

1. My face appears in this video:

2. At the age of twelve I was an extra in an episode of Ally McBeal called "Alone Again". I'm visible for all of two seconds in one scene.

3. At the age of thirteen I met Dominique Dawes, got my photo in the paper with her, and received a personalized autographed photo of her.

Wolf Girl 22
Wolf Girl 22

Dec-31-2009 15:28

Sorry Heim 3 was the right answer beause I hooked the gaurd dog up to Kyles bike. lol That was Hilarious! Opps and it was an 18 year old. Hmm... I'm gonna say 2#.

1. I once threw a temper tantrum that broke three trees and put a dent in a car.

2. I once hit a car with a baseball bat (The car was moving)

3.Last year at the Christmas Parade I threw candy back at the floats.

Dick Cheney
Dick Cheney

Jan-2-2010 21:36

I'd go with #1. If that were true... breaking three trees, seriously? Environmentalists are gonna be mighty mad. ^^

Mine next:

1. I have a pet dog named Choco.

2. I have a pet fish named Tila.

3. I have a pet rabbit named Lou.

Sir William Weine
Sir William Weine
Lucky Stiff

Jan-3-2010 02:41

I think it's 3. It is the most likely and therefore too easily believable to have to be true. Or something. For Wolf Girl, I think it's not 1 because they may have been toy trees and a toy car as that is almost too odd to lie about.

1 I am allergic to wax.
2 I am wearing a red shirt.
3 I found my avatar on Google Images.

Sir William Weine
Sir William Weine
Lucky Stiff

Jan-3-2010 02:42

(Also, Caledonia was correct. I'm not a vegan.)

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