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AVH ---uh, I got that!
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Sam the Rose
Sam the Rose
Old Shoe

Aug-26-2009 13:48

this is the 5th time the perp told me that the hideout is west of the tailor in London.
It wouldn't be so bad if they hadn't already told me that it's west of the bank...
Could the computer be stuck??


Pinball Pro

Aug-31-2009 18:00

I dont know how many repeats I had the saem but the most I ever did was Delhi once kept me there for 41 cases between quits and repeats. If I remmebr correctly, Aknas has that one beat

Sam the Rose
Sam the Rose
Old Shoe

Sep-1-2009 03:23

41 !!
I'll stop complaining!
each city took me about 2 days plus or minus, with all the quits and repeated clues to the hideout.

This VH hasn't been much fun.

I just got stuck with pirates TWICE and now I don't have enough cases to get to Shangra La.

Didn't I say I wasn't going to complain anymore?

Naked in London, waiting for tomorrow.

Joseph Zeo
Joseph Zeo
Tale Spinner

Sep-1-2009 07:41

Hey at least you're now done with it, right? (with a prize waiting for you)
Just make sure your subscription doesn't run out while you're waiting in Shangri-la.
I think Clint once got stuck there and HAD to renew his subscription no matter what! LOL

Con Artist

Sep-10-2009 11:14

Mine was 45 repeats and quits and in London too! But I think some of the 'older' players had the worst experiences. Just ask Secret Squirrel.

Anais Nin
Anais Nin

Sep-10-2009 13:49

I finally made it out of Delhi!

Is a man X 16, is not the Missionary X 5, North of the Bank X 3, and East of the Bank X 2 for a grand total of 22 repeats before I finally got the clue to leave! And that's my first city!

Reading this makes me feel a bit better though. ;)

Pinball Amateur

Sep-11-2009 20:24

I've never bothered to count my repeats (figured since I'm gettin' experience for 'em, I'm gainin' something from it), but quits are the ones that get my goat.

19 in a row. Not total. Just without a solve. N-I-N-E-T-E-E-N.

(There's a reason why I detest London. :-.)


Joseph Zeo
Joseph Zeo
Tale Spinner

Sep-15-2009 09:57

Wow Anais, 16 times: 'Is a man'? Your villain must have been really feminine and all the townies were trying to convince themselves and you that it's really REALLY a man!!! LOL

And wow Breit, 19 quits in a row? That's like over 1.5 day!! May be you should move your apartment there....if it's already there, then London is truly jinxed for you!!

Pinball Amateur

Sep-15-2009 21:27

I thought bout HQ'ing it there, but I wanted to be able to do more with it than keep stuff to beat up on the female P/E contacts there with. Einh, everytime I know I'm headin' for London, I just stock up on dynamite and brass knuckles. Sometimes it works, sometimes, it doesn't. ;-)

And yeah, London's my jinx city. Had the 19-in-a-row there, and bout 4 or 5 15-quits in a row. (You could say London and I are NOT on speaking terms. ;-) I just take along a sleeping bag, a good book to read, and a bottle of somethin' special. Works fairly well!! ;-D


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