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Heimlich VonVictor
Heimlich VonVictor

Jul-25-2009 17:35

"This book was written by Heimlich VonVictor & describes true events that occured during his time as a detective." As he finished these final words on his manuscript he dropped his pen onto the desk. He had just referred to himself as a detective in the past tense for the first time in his life.

He didn't want to believe that it was over, but when one takes pen to paper and scribes one's life story as a matter of record, there was a sense of finality to it.

He picked up the stack of papers before him, each page a piece of a life he would never get to live again. He looked up at the framed newspaper article celebrating his 100th case solved as a detective. It had already started to yellow and fade.

He walked over to the cabinet and pulled out a bottle of gin and a glass. Even if it was a bittersweet occasion, it called for a celebration, and that meant a good Tom Collins.

He looked up at the plaque on the wall that his agency presented him upon his retirement.

"Retirement! Psh! That's rich!" he grumbled out loud to no one in particular. He remembered the exact conversation.

Eric had called him into his office and said it very clearly, "Heim, you're a liability. Some of the stunts you've been pulling lately have got the other detectives mighty scared."

He had tried to brush it off, "I'm a liability!? Do you realize how much money I pull in for this agency each year? You should be down on your hands and knees thanking me for being able to make bank!"

Eric sighed at him, "Heim, I can't keep you on. The Baltimore incident was the last straw. We'll let you retire, and we'll let it look like it was your decision to do so. We'll keep it out of the papers."

What choice did he have? He had put on a grin, went to the dinner, accepted his plaque, and faded into obscurity.

He was reliving this oh so favorite of memories when the phone rang. Startled, he dropped his drink on the floor and the glass shattered.


Eric Marvington
Eric Marvington

Aug-15-2009 13:18

Days Pass

5:30 am. Eric stood in the street waiting for the dropoff. He couldn't screw this up or everything they worked for would be for nothing. He heard a rustling from some garbage cans down the street. He quickly ran towards them. As he approached, a squirrel jumped out of one and made his heart jump in his chest. Damn it Sergei! Where was he?

"Oh where am I?" came a call from an alley down the way. Eric sprang down the street and up the alley. He found Kobetz walking around pretending to be unfamiliar with his surroundings. "Where have I been for the past three weeks?" he wondered aloud

Eric stifled a laugh as he placed cuffs on Sergei, "Don't push it Kobetz." he chided him, "Sergei Kobetz you're under arrest for the murders of Ana and Nikolai Romanski."

He led Kobetz back to the station house in cuffs wondering if this was going to work. As luck would have it, Barnes was on duty this morning. Apparently Hogan and Steele had gone to the chief and informed him that Barnes had waited until 2 am to inform them of the Music Room incident when it had happened at noon. Barnes had gotten his own reprimand sesssion and had been placed on early mornings.

They walked up the steps and Eric pushed open the door. "Morning Betsy!" he beamed at the secretary, "Guess who I found wandering the streets? Just a few hours before his trial!"

Barnes came charging out of his office. "You have to be joking me!" he shouted, "Where the hell have you been boy?"

Kobetz shook his head, "Have no memory. Last thing remember was being taken from police."

Eric nodded, "When I found him he was very confused," he said, "he didn't know where he was and didn't put up a fight when I put cuffs on him. Why don't we put him in holding until his trial, it's at 9 am, so it won't be that long."

Barnes shook his head, "No way!" he shouted, "Judge Haliwell said Kobetz was going to be housed at Rikers Island until his trial and that's where he's going!"

Eric Marvington
Eric Marvington

Aug-15-2009 13:32

"You wouldn't be trying to place that defendant in harm's way would you Captain Barnes?" came a familiar voice. They whirled around to find Heimlich and Cambridge standing in the doorway of Zeo's office. "I hope you don't mind Graham, but my colleague and I were going over the final evidence list before our trial today in Lieutenant Zeo's office and couldn't help but overhear."

"Harm's way?!" Barnes exclaimed nervously, "Of course not! Why would you say that?"

"Well Graham," Cambridge recounted, "if you recall correctly, that judge was taking bribes, and evidence showed that he ordered an assassination on Mr. Kobetz at Rikers. The case was also declared a mistrial, so I don't see why you would try to enforce orders concerning it."

Barnes began to sweat, "Of course! How stupid of me!" he remarked as if realizing for the first time, "You must forgive me, it's these early morning shifts. Of course he can go into a holding cell!"

Eric smiled and began leading Kobetz down the hallway to the holding cells. When they were out of hearing range of the others, he whispered to Kobetz, "Well Sergei, it looks like we're in the clear. Now we just need to get you to trial and see what we can do with this new judge."

Kobetz smiled for the first time in a while at him, "Eric you are good friend. Heimlich, Vullkie, and Joseph too. Richard Cambridge is good man. Have good heart."

Heimlich VonVictor
Heimlich VonVictor

Aug-15-2009 14:03

Heim looked down at the handcuff on his wrist, the other end of the handcuff on Kobetz's wrist as they sat in the back seat of the police cruiser. Cambridge sat on the other side of Kobetz, Barnes sat in the passenger seat, and Marvington drove.

Heim couldn't help but feel that Vulkie and Joseph should be there, but he knew Barnes' presence made that impossible. He felt the car come to a stop and realized that they were outside of the courthouse.

Barnes turned to the back seat, "Stay here," he ordered, "I'm going to see that the scene is safe first." He stepped out of the car.

Heimlich turned toward Cambridge, "So how did you manage to get this case delayed so long?" he asked.

Cambridge smiled, "I told Judge Copper, a former golf buddy, that I was backed up with a sting operating and I would need a continuance." he stated proudly, "I didn't mention the fact that the sting was for this case, or that our only lead was dead. He told me to pick a day, so I picked today. I figured it would give Eric enough time to heal up from his injuries so he could help us."

Heim nodded, "Good thinking," he agreed, "do you still plan to try your best to convict Sergei?"

Cambridge nodded, "I'm sorry Heimlich," he said, "it's my duty to prosecute and bring out the truth. Hopefully the truth will come out."

Kobetz put his free hand on Richard's arm, "Richard Cambridge, I understand. You are good man."

Their conversation was interrupted by Barnes opening the back door, "Let's go! It's clear!" he ordered. The three of them walked from the car and into the courthouse in relative silence, with Eric waiting behind to escort them to the prison that Sergei was to be held at for the duration of the trial if he did not make bail.

They entered the doors, hurried past the front desk, through the long marble hallway, and finally came to the large wooden doors of Courtroom #4. They pushed through and the entire room grew silent.

Heimlich VonVictor
Heimlich VonVictor

Aug-15-2009 14:23

Barnes uncuffed Heimlich and Kobetz and they made their way to the defense table. Cambridge took his place on the side of the prosecution.

The room hung in an uncomfortable silence for what felt like hours when the bailiff called out, "All rise! New York Superior Court is now in session. The honorable Judge Jacob Cooper presiding." Judge Cooper walked in not looking at any of them and took his place.

"You may be seated." he responded.

The bailiff again called out, "Docket Number 39585 The People of New York vs. Sergei Kobetz. Charges are two counts of murder in the first degree."

Cooper stared at Kobetz, "How does the defendant plead?"

Heimlich stood up, "Not guilty your honor" he responded.

Cooper began flipping through the files. "Before I ask about bail, there seems to have been quite a few changes since the last time this was brought to trial. I would like to reestablish probable cause in this case. Namely, every witness is unavailable? Prosecutor Cambridge do you care to explain this?"

Cambridge stood and picked up a stack of papers, "Yes your honor. Vladmir Bjarkhov was unfortunately killed by a car bomb, Olivia Thorne was run over in the street shortly after the last trial, Svetlana Bjarkhov has disappeared completely and all we have is her deposition, and Lieutenant Joseph Zeo is currently on a leave of absence and we cannot locate him."

Cooper stared at Cambridge, "This case has met with some misfortune has it not? And I understand the defendant was kidnapped?" he asked.

"Yes," Cambridge responded, "and despite police interrogation, he has no memory of the incident. He was recovered earlier this morning."

"Mr. VonVictor," Cooper stated, "I have examined the files from last time and have decided to include your NKVD button and smashed glass. What do you make of them?"

Heimlich VonVictor
Heimlich VonVictor

Aug-15-2009 14:39

Heimlich stood once again, "Your honor," he said, "it appears someone smashed the defendant's window to get inside on the night of the murder and left behind a button. This would indicate that this person was a member of the NKVD. I believe that a frame-up has taken place."

Cooper nodded and turned to Cambridge, "Mr. Cambridge, what do you make of this evidence?" he asked.

Cambridge shook his head, "Ridiculous! How do we know the defendant didn't plant these things in his own apartment to create reasonable doubt?" he demanded.

"The knife seems to be our big constant here," Cooper read from the papers," what do we make of the knife Mr. Cambridge?"

Cambridge smiled smugly, "It's our smoking gun Your Honor! It proves that Mr. Kobetz committed this murder!" he casually replied.

"Mr. VonVictor," Cooper asked, "what is your opinion of the knife?"

Heim shook his head, "It could have been planted. Furthermore, if Mr. Kobetz wanted to get away with this, why would he take the knife home with him? Why would he walk home with it? Why would he fall asleep with it in his hand? It doesn't make sense!"

Cooper nodded, "Well it looks like we have quite the case ahead of us. I have one last question for each of you before we move on to bail. First, Mr. VonVictor, do you honestly believe your client is innocent?" he said with all seriousness.

Heim stared at the judge, "Yes Your Honor, with all my heart I do."

"Mr. Cambridge," Cooper asked, "do you honestly believe the defendant is guilty?"

Cambridge stood and opened his mouth, "Your Honor..." and couldn't speak. He began to think of the evidence. The connection to the NKVD. The witnesses being killed. The sting he had been in on. Sergei calling him a good man. Joseph. The case was flimsy at best...

The words came out as if they were not his own, "Your honor... at this time the prosecution does not believe it can meet its burden of proof. We move to dismiss all charges against Sergei Kobetz without prejudice


Aug-15-2009 14:57

Have you ever thought losing your best friend? It's like a family member,until you realise,that you can't go out with that person anymore. No more anniversaries to attend of that person. That person will never phone you again. He will never send you a card for when you are sick,to say how his life is going on.

That's how I felt with Joseph. His condition was slowly gaining better,but I still played with the thought of that he could never see again. That he wouldn't see the beautiful ladies anymore and how the world changes.

Yes,that's terrible isn't it. That what I think,at least. That is my thought. But I didn't gave the hope up for Joseph. He would get better,he must get better and he got better.

Slowly,Joseph grabbed my hand and looked towards me and said : "Your hair is brown again. I can see again... I...". After that,Joseph passed out. "Nurse,call the doctor. I have good information!" I yelled and the doctor came.

"What happened Miss Vulkie? Did he see again?" the doctor asked. "Yes doctor. He could see my hair again. It's brown,instead of yellow. I did that while he was sleeping" I replied.

"Good. Let's examine him for that blood clog and see if it's really gone" the doctor said and Joseph got another X-Ray.

"As you can see here Miss Vulkie,the spot has disappeared where it first was. He is better now" the doctor said.

I thanked the doctor and went back to Joseph,who already got his clothes on and hugged me. "Thanks for all your support. When this is over,we really need a vacation huh?" Joseph said and I laughed.

Yes,I could laugh again. All the trouble was over. Everything was alright,alright,alright....

Eric Marvington
Eric Marvington

Aug-16-2009 16:13

Eric hung up the courthouse phone. He smiled to himself. Everything had worked itself out in the end. He looked up to see Cambridge, Heimlich, and Kobetz leave the courtroom together. He ran up to them and threw his arms around them.

"Is it really over? Have we really won?" Eric asked excitedly.

Heimlich laughed, "Yes Eric," he replied, "it appears so. Judge Cooper dismissed the charges against Sergei. As a result he rescinded the warrant against Vulkie for aiding and abetting. Barnes is arguing with him right now over it, because it means he can't go after Joseph."

Eric started chuckling, "Serves him right! Let's get out of here. Ol' sour grapes can walk home!" he laughed.

They laughed together as they walked out of the courthouse and towards the car. Kobetz turned to Eric, "So where to now?" he asked.

"We're going to Heimlich's!" Eric announced to the group including a surprised Heimlich, "We're going to celebrate you no longer being a fugitive!"

"Out of the question!" Cambridge barked, "We need to get him to the Soviet embassy immediately. Let's not forget the real killer is still out there!"

Heimlich paused as they reached the car, "The real killer is still out there?" he asked, "I thought the real killer was Bjorno Adelé, and he's on a slab downtown! What do you mean?"

Cambridge beckoned Heimlich to get into the car, "I'm sorry Heimlich," he responded, "but there are things that I kept from you during this case."

Heimlich waited until all four of them were in the car before demanding, "What things Richard? How could you?"

Eric started the car and they began to pull away. "I'm sorry," Cambridge started, "but it appears a mole inside the police department has been passing information to the NKVD."

Heimlich grabbed Cambridge's wrist, "What? Who?" he shouted.

Cambridge winced in pain, "I have come to the conclusion," he started, "that it must be..."

His sentence was interrupted by a scream from outside.

Eric Marvington
Eric Marvington

Aug-16-2009 16:29

They all turned to the left in time to see a black Lincoln barreling towards them. A second later it had collided with the car and continued to push them. The men screamed as the car was pinned against the barbershop a mere 500 feet from the courthouse.

Eric sat up and felt his forehead, his head wound had opened again. The black Lincoln backed up and a man got out holding a pistol. He was short, heavyset, with piercing blue eyes, and Eric knew who he must be.

The man pulled open the driver's side door and smacked Eric with his pistol. Eric fell forward, his face on the steering wheel unable to move. The man walked around, opened the back door and pointed the handgun at the three men, "Get out!" he demanded in a heavy Russian accent.

"Leon!" Sergei exclaimed, "So you are behind this!"

Leon fired at Cambridge's foot causing him to cry out in pain. "Get out now! Or I keep shooting higher!" The three men did as they were told and Leon herded them into the back seat of the Lincoln and slammed the door shut.

Eric tried to summon every ounce of strength he had. He felt his arms pulling himself up only to collapse back on the steering wheel.

"Stop right there!" a voice yelled. Eric glance into his mirror and confirmed that it was Barnes racing down the street with a pistol in hand, "Leon Kobetz you're under arrest! Don't move!" he shouted.

Leon laughed and fired one shot bringing the chubby captain to the ground. He then climbed into the passenger seat and the car sped off. Eric reached for the handle of his own door. He felt himself pull, threw his weight against it, and promptly fell on the ground.


"What were you thinking leaving without me?" Barnes shouted.

Eric awoke to see the captain being loaded onto a stretcher. Two men in uniform had him propped against the wrecked police car and were tending to him.

Eric Marvington
Eric Marvington

Aug-16-2009 16:39

"Doesn't look like anything is broken," one said, "although you re-opened a wound. You probably just stressed your body too much from pain. I'd say a few days bed rest should do it." He assured him.

Eric shook his head, "No," he insisted, "give me a morphine injection now. I need to find my friends."

The paramedic shook his head, "Your body has been through too much," he said, "and morphine would only be a temporary fix."

Eric stared him down, "That's what I'm looking for. Now give it to me or you will be responsible for the deaths of a district attorney, a Soviet National, and a Detective!"

The paramedic sighed, "It's your life," he replied as he pulled out the syringe, "just don't come crying to me when you're addicted and useless."

Eric shook as he received the injection. A few minutes later he stood up and walked over to Barnes who they were just loading into the ambulance, "Did you get the plate off of the car?" he asked.

"The plate?!" Barnes shouted, "That's your biggest concern? I'll have your shield for this Marvington! You are the worst cop I have ever dealt with! And you will address me as Captain Barnes!"

Eric shook with rage and ripped his badge off. He threw it on Barnes' chest, "You want my shield? Take it! If it means I have to work under you then it means nothing!" he shouted. He turned as if to leave, before turning around, "Oh and one more thing," he snapped. He leaned in close to Barnes and spit right in his face, "Lieutenant Zeo and I are twice the cops you'll ever be Graham."

He stumbled off. He had to find Leon, and Joseph had the only possible link to Leon on a small paper card in his pocket.


Aug-16-2009 17:35

(reserve account,since my other one is in shangri-la at the moment.)

As Joseph and I went to the local liquor store to get a nice bottle of champagne for all the 6 of us,we saw an ambulance rushing towards city hall. "Hmm,probably nothing" I said to Joseph and we got in the car and started to drive towards Heimlich's house.

As we stopped for a traffic light,we saw a young boy with newspapers,screaming : "EXTRA,EXTRA. LOCAL POLICE CAPTAIN SHOT DOWN AT COURT".

Joseph and I began to sweat and Joseph got out of the car quickly,bought a newspaper and the traffic light went green when he got in.

"Listen to this. Local police captain Graham Barnes was shot down while trying to apprehend a suspect. The captain saw a fugitive wanted by the police,tried to apprehend that person and got shot down in few seconds.
An other policeman was seen to fled the scene. It was believed to be an Mr. Marvington,as Captain Barnes said.

Mr. Marvington spat in the face of Barnes,because Marvington was insulted by a comment made by Barnes. Marvington is now wanted for questioning and may be hiding. If you see something,please call..." Joseph said.

"Sh*t* I said and I hit the brakes near Heimlich's house. "Almost there and we get this kind of trouble again. Why,o why,does this always happen!" I yelled. "Beats me. Main problem is,we need to check if Heimlich and Kobetz and Cambridge were at home. Probably not" I said and Joseph rang the doorbell.

No reply. Another ring. No reply.

"They're not home. Let's wait until Marvington arrives here. I know he will." Joseph said and so we sat in the car,waiting for Marvington...

We waited and waited and waited...

And there,on the corner,Marvington strumbled towards the front door.

"Marvington,over here!" I yelled and Marvington came at us. "Yees,you look like sh*t" Joseph said.

"Anyway, Leon Kobetz got..."

"Heimlich,Cambridge and his brother,Sergei. We know." I said...

"Heimlich,Cambridge an

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