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Congrats Detective Valentina D'Angeli
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Vampiric Smile
Vampiric Smile
Safety Officer

Jun-27-2009 04:22

I would like to congratulate our Agent Det. Valentina D'Angeli for her first successful VH. Valentina was able to capture Omar "the Viper" Boynton with ONLY 2 contacts showing courage, determination and skills.
Unfortunately her achievement was not published in the city news (!?)
Excellent work my dear Valentina…keep it up!


Valentina D'Angeli
Valentina D'Angeli

Jun-28-2009 21:19

That's right, Mr. Forthwright. I had all possible kinds of help during the hunt. Had I done it all alone, I could never had caught the villain.

Clint Forthwright
Clint Forthwright
Old Shoe

Jun-29-2009 07:49

Thanks! I didn't mean it. I just say weird things all the time, so don't listen to me. Anyway, this is Valentina's post and I don't want to hijack it.

A job well done Valentina!

Valentina D'Angeli
Valentina D'Angeli

Jun-30-2009 01:01

Thanks, Mr. Forthwright, and fell free to say what you please.

Joseph Zeo
Joseph Zeo
Tale Spinner

Jul-2-2009 02:18

Congrats Tina! Sorry i didn't see this until now (you know me, always just hanging around RP). This is amazing! I only started my first AVH around 1,000,000 xp. Starting so early and FINISHING it, that's a feat! Way to go!!

Pinball Amateur

Jul-5-2009 00:04

Congratulations, Valentina!! You did a fantastic job with your hunt!!

I suspect the reason why you didn't get your name in the paper may have something to do with your name. Another person I know, Poirot's Protege, has trouble with that too. I'm told it's the apostrophe ( ' ) in her name. The system doesn't seem to like the things in people's names for some reason or another.

But again, great work!! (And a wonderful pic on your avatar. ;-) ;-D

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