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What Can We Do to Help Sleuth?
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Battered Shoe

Mar-9-2009 21:36

Last night I spoke of some ideas I wanted to discuss with everyone on how to give a little kick-start to Sleuth. I would like to share these now and hear feedback. These things are not required of the Admin, but things we can do as a community to try to get things flowing again.

NOTE: Please do not bring up the development team. That ship has come and gone. This post is aimed purely at community-oriented initiatives, not changing the game itself.

Also, I would like to note that many players have been doing some really good things around here. The contests for free subs, ctown's radio show, AVH matches. I do not mean to discredit any of this. It's all wonderful. I just think we can do a little more :-)

#1 Advertising - Let's get out there and spread the word. This is a great little gem that we have found and there are probably others that would love it as much as we do. Do you belong to another internet site? A Group for Nail-Biters with Herpes? Post on the message board about Sleuth! (well maybe not that, but you get my meaning) Let others know outside of Sleuth what a great place this is. I would especially target (for Noir) adults who enjoy logic-type puzzles. That is what kept me addicted to this game for so long.


Makensie Brewer
Makensie Brewer
Super Steeper

Apr-8-2009 12:26

uh-huh sure, you just wanted to mod yourself ctown :P

Safety Officer

Apr-8-2009 17:31

Old Shoe

Apr-9-2009 20:32

I agree with Adam Carter, we need to start thinking about what WE can do to help sleuth!

Voting does help, I have seen more newbie’s since we started actively voting on those sites.

Maybe have more competition on site, for people to get involved in. Not everyone can do VH's yet... like me for example. :D

Something I thought might be fun is having Agency Wars.

I was talking to Joseph Zeo in the bar chat and we were joking around about his agency (Hunters) and my agency (Blue Pagoda) being so close in points that we should start a rivalry.

After really thinking about it, it seemed less funny and more interesting. Having some good old fashion competition in sleuth that more players can be involved in than just the ones who can do VH’s could get a lot more players interested in the community and more unsubbed players interested in subbing so they can join the fun.

Have the "war" start at turnover and a “referee” (of sorts) will record the points of every agency that signed-up to participate.

Agencies then go all out and try to win the most TH’s and get the most points they can. The “war” would last for two weeks, maybe more.

At the end of it, the “referee” would record how many points the agencies have and then the agency with the largest amount of points earned during the war wins.

We could have different “classes” of agencies in the war, so agencies with more detectives don’t have the advantage over other agencies.

Have three agency groups:

2-4 detectives
5-9 detectives
10 or more detectives

The agency who wins their division gets gloating rights and maybe when an agency signs up they pay a fee. The money is then divided up three ways and each winning agency gets a share.

If we could even do that, cause I don’t think you can move money around sleuth.

We would have to have certain rules, like no new agency members can be added while the war is going. You must play with the members you started with.

Old Shoe

Apr-9-2009 20:34

Also, so agencies don’t just stay in their base city, play all AI cases and never take any risks in the “war”, agencies must play so many (maybe 3) multi-city hunts and at least 1 single city hunt not in their base city. We could have a topic where someone from each agency posts which hunts they have started, if they are single city, multi-city and so forth.

We would need a few people not in the “war” to help keep players accountable and to record the info needed to figure out the winner(s).

So… that is the basic idea. Does anyone like it? Anything to add to it?

I really like it when there is competition in a game, but the only real competitions here are VH's and I can't do those yet.


Apr-9-2009 22:37

I love the idea Magdalene. While most of the tournaments I've put on have been VH matches, I am working on and idea for another TH match. We've don a TH scavenger hunt and I'm kicking around some ideas for another one but in a different format. The part I'm working on is how to make it fair for smaller agencies so the bigger ones dont get all the glory. IF you want to PM me some ideas you may have, I'd be happy to brainstorm with you about it.

Lolita Marinez
Lolita Marinez
Sleuth About Town

Apr-18-2009 03:11

It was suggested that I post this idea here as something WE can do for sleuth.

On another site I used to play at the "free versus sub" was run much the same way as here. You got limited number of gameplay for free versus unlimited number of games for sub. You weren't allowed to join their "clubs" which were set up by members very much like our agencies. There were interclub tournies just like our TH and there were also community boards like this one. Pretty much the same type of site only board game based.

Anyway what they did have there that they don't have here is a Sponsor Board. Newbies would go in there and post that they would like a sponsor to buy them a sub. Anyone who chose to could go there and browse the list of newbies. Check out their stats. Message and chat to them if they chose to and maybe buy them a sub. The length of the gift sub was at the sponsors discretion and also anonymity with the purchase was a big point. I never found out who purchased my first month for me.

But what it did do was show newbies all the things they were missing. And more often than not the newbies would stay and find their own way of subbing when their time was up. Admittedly there were repeat posters who just wanted to coast on the goodness of other people but the communication between senior members/friends etc pretty much put paid to that. And having an open board like that made it pretty obvious which people kept coming back month after month.

This is just my opinion and I don't have the numbers so I can't say for a fact that it works to bring and keep new members but from my experience, my taste of sub made me want to buy a sub and I did. And I know others who were sponsored in and found the means to stay because of their enjoyment of the site.

A sponsor board also keeps the newbies here for longer because they hang around for a while to see if they are successful.

Anyway that is my idea for today. (thanks to someone else reminding me of it)

Safety Officer

Apr-18-2009 05:12

Completely get that Lolita, and am not adverse to the thought, and if we ever have a sponsors board, or initiate a similar idea (supported by Admin) I'll stop deleting those kind of posts. I delete them not just 'cause it's begging, but mainly because of the general response it elicits form other players. It's a bad add all 'round.

Lolita Marinez
Lolita Marinez
Sleuth About Town

Apr-18-2009 05:33

Well the Sponsors Board on the other site was accessed through the subscription page and being a dedicated board those who chose not to go there didn't have to. Only people with the giving spirit had need to visit and see those kinds of posts so..........

Brasco De Gama
Brasco De Gama
Old Shoe

May-9-2009 17:56

2 ideas for Sleuth Noir.

1 - Letters after your name if you have written a scripted mystery, like when you complete a degree you getter to tag BSc onto your name, so maybe a Bachelor of Sleuth criminology award for someone who has taken the time and effort to add to the games content.

2 - Picture frames available in apartments where you can download a picture that can be viewed by your guests... maybe you could add a similar feature to agencies, like a hall of fame, when a player's avatar could be saved for posterity. Something to spend $'s on that could actually help personalise our experience more.

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