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Makensie Brewer
Makensie Brewer
Super Steeper

Dec-22-2008 10:32

((this is a thread that can be about any location, instead of having a specific place and having to skip around threads. Except for the USS Sleuthtania...that can be kept as its own when on ship))

((I copied and pasted Acemasters last update in the USS thread to here..since Mak is no longer on the ship))


Violet Parr
Violet Parr

Dec-23-2008 04:58

Miss Violet Parr was not sure why she felt the need to write to Miss Makensie Brewer.

Perhaps it was because Makensie was involved in the USS Sleuthetania happenings and was, seemingly, a very close friend of Clift’s…

Maybe it was because Violet Parr has lost contact with Clift and Reese Withers herself and felt the need to get in contact with a friendly face…

Violet tightened the purple scarf around her shoulders and walked with confidence to the telegram office she encountered.

She spoke softly but decisively, “Please send the following text to a Miss Makensie Brewer, she could be found in London at Dawg Pound Investigations.”

She handed the man a piece of paper which he quickly scanned then proceeded to send:


Makensie Brewer
Makensie Brewer
Super Steeper

Dec-23-2008 07:18

As Makensie and Ace had started over to Anna, and the mysterious looking gentleman, Ace had decided that maybe they best not approach them , and just watch where they go.

She was looking forward to surprising Anna with their unexpected visit because sometimes it is that elimate of surprise that can show guilt of some sorts....or maybe she was just wishful thinking.

They sat on a bench down the way, and Makensie said, "You know, this is crazy. Anna will recognize us. You know this, don't you?"

Ace smiles, saying, "I hope so, since it is us that she came to for help" She half chuckles, then stops. Looking at him, she said, "US?" He takes a sip of his coffee, and said, "Yes. Us" She continues staring at him, and says, "YOU were hired too, for this case?" Nodding, he says, "That's about right, yes" "So, when you offered your help, you already had the case, and you knew about her husband already", she said. Nodding again, he looks at her, smiles, and says, "Bingo!"

She growled and sat straight in the bench. As she started to take a sip of her coffee, she heard a familiar voice, saying, "Makensie, I figured I would see you along the way, running my errands......"

Ace, and Makensie both turned to find Barnabas, Dawg Pound's Agency Clerk standing there with something in his hand.

"Good day, Barnabas", Ace greeted. "Greetings", Barnabas replied, as he handed Makensie a telgram.

"This came for you this morning", he said.

"Thank you kindly, Barnabas, but, I'm sure this could've waited until I got back to the agency", she said. She hated having multiple things come at her at once. Or what seemed multiple things. The case, ACE just now informing that he was brought into this case as well, and now this telegram with who knows what in it.


Makensie Brewer
Makensie Brewer
Super Steeper

Dec-23-2008 07:28

Barnabas was talking, as she came back out of her thoughts, ".......and figured that you might want to read that" Nodding, not hearing a word of what he said, replied, "Well, thank you again. Have a good day Barnabas"

She looks at the telegram, with Ace looking over her shoulder. She put it down, and looks at him, saying, "DO you mind?"

He smiles, innocently, saying, "OH, sorry...I was just seeing if this had something to do with the case we are investigating"

"Well, it doesn't", she said, smiling softly. She continues reading, and smiles when she finds that it is from her newest friend, Violet Parr.

"Clift Garrett", she said, to herself but she didn't realize that she said it out loud.

"Is he a love of yours?", Ace asked.

Startled, she looks at him, and said, "Absolutely NOT!!"

He nods, not believing her, again, and says, "You are a mysterious lady, Mak. I am quite jealous though, that this CLIFT Garrett got to know you so well..or atleast what YOU wanted him to know" Winking, he looks off across the street at the people walking back and forth.

"We did not know each other THAT well", she said.

He leans into her, toward her ear, and said, "I think you are lying, my friend"

She shrugs, and slips the telegram in her pocket, making a note to send a telegram back to Violet Parr, as soon as she returned to her office.

"So, was that telegram from Mr Garrett?", he asks.

Sighing in frustration, she said, "If you MUST know, that was from a friend of mine, Violet Parr"

"Violet Parr. does sound familiar", he says. She nods, and said, "As it should"


A half hour went by, and Makensie said, "OH no! We've been so caught up in this nonsense jibberish, that we havent even looked toward the coffee shop to see where Anna and that man went"

He scowled, then said, "Maybe they are still in there" He got up and walked to the shop, shaking his head in disgust.

Makensie Brewer
Makensie Brewer
Super Steeper

Dec-23-2008 07:30

He looks over at Makensie, puts his arms up, and said, "Gone"

She stomps her foot, stands up quickly, and marches past Ace, saying, "THAT'S it! No more of this messing around. I want this case over with, now, more than ever!!"

Ace watches her walk by, smiling, and says, "I've learned one thing about you so far. You are even more beautiful when you are mad"

She growled, as she walked on, with him right behind her, grinning.


Dec-23-2008 10:33


Because Mak was a bit angry already, Ace decided to tell her what he knew about...

"Clift Garrett." Ace stated as they walked down the street.
"And... why did you just randomly say that with no reason whatsoever?" Mak joked.
"Who said there was no reason?" Ace threw his hands up, "I knew your... ahem... friend... back when we were in New York."
"You knew Clift?" Mak exclaimed, astonished.
"Well, he was more of an acquaintance of mine. He would've been my sister's best friends brother. We met a few times."
"Your sister... Scarlett? And his sister... Viv...Vivenni, right?"
"Vivienne, actually."
"Quite a charming young lady!" Ace spoke, "She and Scarlett played the leads in a play. One of the few that Vivienne was in the Clift wasn't. Viv had such stage fright that she couldn't do a play unless someone she was close to was in it. Until she met Scarlett, the only actor she knew was, of course, her brother."
"You seem to have known Vivienne fairly well." Mak stated slyly.
'Ha... I know what you're thinking." Ace chuckled, "No, Viv was as pure as the driven snow, and I wasn't about to turn that snow yellow."
"Ace!!" Mak yelled, pushing him. Ace laughed heartily at that.

"Now this is all fine and good, but do we even know where we're going?" Mak asked, annoyed.
"Well, I sort of assumed we were going where the taxi that picked Anna up went."
"And how do we know where it went?"
"Oh, maybe because I saw her and that man get in and drive in the direction of her house."

Makensie Brewer
Makensie Brewer
Super Steeper

Dec-23-2008 17:22

As a cab pulled up, at Ace's beckoning, he guided Makensie inside , then followed behind her.

Getting adjusted in their seats, he gave the driver directions on where to go, then there was silence.

Makensie was looking out the window, as Ace looks at her, smiling, and says, "Still mad?" She gives him a look, then grins, "I'm not mad...I never WAS mad...just exasperated"

Silence again.

Then, she gasps, right out of the blue, and says, "idiot!!!"

Startled, he looks at her, and says, "Excuse me?"

"If we had friggin brains we would be dangerous. I dont think we make a good team, Mr Ace", she said.

She was so serious sounding, that he couldn't help but to laugh. In fact, he got into such a laughing spell, he couldn't stop.

"I dont see anything funny about this", she said, crossing her arms in front of her, looking straight ahead.

Ace lightly taps her leg, and says, "Why dont we make a good team?" He held a chuckle in the best that he could.

"Because......we didnt even visit the crime scene!!!! That should ALWAYS be checked first!! Dont even talk to me, Ace, I swear. You make it tough for me to concentrate", she said.

Smiling, he said, "Now, why IS that?"

She growled at him, and said to the driver, "Driver, turn around please." She gave him the directions of where the body was found. Looking at Ace, as if to just dare him to say anything, she looked back out toward the window.

Ace was finding Makensie Brewer very intriguing. In fact, he could see why Clift Garrett grew fond of her. Too bad that he lost his chance, he thinks.

She was lost in her thoughts, as she thinks, This Ace...I'm quite intrigued by this man. Very fascinating. She grumbles, and shakes her head.
Ace says, "What did you say, Mak?" Looking at him she says, very tightly, "Nothing"
He started whistling to the tune of "Strangers in the Night", as she shakes her head and sighs. How did I get caught up in this, she thinks,to herself this time


Dec-23-2008 19:54

"Oh boy!" Mak exclaims as she and Ace enter the Moore kitchen.
"What a body!" Ace muses.

The body of Ulysses Moore was badly beaten. It looked like someone just couldn't stop hitting him.

There were blood trails leading from the living room, indicating that the fight began at the fireplace. That, and the fact that a bloody fire poker lay at the doorway to the kitchen.

There, it appears, the killer dropped the poker and picked up a long, sleek kitchen knife off the counter, then began stabbing the victim, consistent with the spurting blood around the floor and counters.

Finally, as we approach the body, we find the table upended, along with several chairs. The body appears to fell on it, smashing it to the ground.

The killer then picked up a frying pan, that appeared to have once cooked eggs. The killer smashed Ulysses in the head repeatedly then, and hit him so hard that it bent the pan to conform around his head.

It was quite a sight. Even with Anna Moore's amazing criminal past, it was obvious why she was so distraught. Unless she did it, of course.

Leading out the door of the kitchen was a long line of bloody shoeprints. The killer apparently realized that they were tracking blood, then wiped their shoes on the grass just after hopping the fence into the neighbors yard.

Mak and Ace still had a good consistent set of deep prints, though, showing that the prints were made by somewhat of a heavy person, also probably short.

Ace and Mak turned to go back to the kitchen when something caught Ace's eye.

"What in the..."
"What? What's up?" Mak asked curiously.
Ace proceeded to a set of bushes under the kitchen window. Pulling out an evidence bag, he carefully picked something up and put it inside.
"Ace, what is it???"
Without saying a word, Ace held the bag high and showed it to Makensie. SHe gasped when she saw them: a bloody pair of Latex gloves*.

That meant that this was definitely premeditated.

*Latex gloves were invented in 1936

Huglover's Assistant
Huglover's Assistant

Dec-23-2008 19:55

When they came to the Crime Scene, Makensie somehow felt that Ace got a little reserved and silent. Perhaps he looked a little pale? She could not tell.

Are there something wrong she asked?
"Eh... no, nothing" he answered, trying to feel as natural as possible.
He definately would not like to tell her why he had not made them search the crime scene first place. There was a reason for this, and the reason where connected to the spot where the crime scene was. Ace would have wanted to wait until another time of the day before visiting the crime scene... There were someone he did not want to meet. Especially not when he was together with a charming woman as Makensie Brewer...

Unfortunately he was in no position where he was able to choose. And now they were there. Ace tried to concentrate on the crime scene, and reported to Mak when he found a black thread. Looking at the thread, and directed to Mak, he said; I think this has to be a thread from a womans garment. You see it's a bit shiny... What do you think? Mak also looked at the thread and said that it could be that way.

Mak stepped back one step and looked at Ace; "I do think you seem a little pale, and, you are shivering... Is something wrong?" Ace was silent, and was wondering what he was to say, when he suddenly heard a voice from behind his back that made him want to sink into the ground.

Ace had tried to turn the back to the door all the time, and did not want to look in the direction where the sign read "Salvation Army London"...

"Timothy?" the voice said. "Timothy? are you here?" the voice repeated as it aproached Ace and Mak. Makensie looked at Ace and said: "The man is heading over here, and seem to be talking to you? Are you Timothy?"

"Timothy! What are you doing here son?" The voice and the source of the voice was clear and close now, so Ace realized that he had to turn and look at the man. Ace tried to sound calm, as he answered "I am solving a murder case together with a friend..."

Huglover's Assistant
Huglover's Assistant

Dec-23-2008 20:23

"Timothy Maze! How often have not both my mother and I told you that we wanted you to go to school and get yourself some good education and get a decent job! You still have not finished your studies for becoming a doctor. Should not you be home reading and doing school work?"

"Dad!" Ace replied with a sigh, "I am 25 years old, and are in control of my own life!"

"Timothy! you are a brilliant lad, both I and your mother know so, and it would be such a waste to use your life on murders and other evil. We always wanted to protect you from all this bad stuff. It's not good for you! As you know from my work, I have seen many destroyed lives, and I don't want you to end up like one that I will have to pick up from the streets. You know the gospel, when God created the universe, He did so with..."

"... plans of everything being good. He created man, and wanted them to be happy and closely related to Him..." Ace continued. "Yes, I do know that story, I think you have told it to me some thousand times. Dad, I do know how to take care of myself!"

"... but, your mother and I..." Huglover's Assistant started a little more unsure now...

Ace replied "Dad, we both know that you were not first in line when smartness was handed out, but you do have a heart of gold, and I know that you mean good, but surely, You do not have any reason to worry about me!"


"No, but, I am safe. Don't worry about me. I know how to take care of myself, and I am grown up now and in charge of my own life."


"No, Dad, don't worry about me. Go continue with your work. Remember you need to do your part for saving people from the bad. I do my part, where I am put. It's best that way. You stick to your task and mom, and I stick to what I am fitted for. Don't mom always say that she like that you are not that smart, because then you won't leave her, and she is so smart she stick to you? Go now, and let me continue with my work"

Huglover's Assistant
Huglover's Assistant

Dec-23-2008 20:24

When Huglover's Assistant had walked away, Makensie looked at Ace and said with awe. "Was that your dad?"

Ace sighed and said "Yes. He never seem to learn that I am no longer a kid"

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