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Directors Lounge
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Aug-2-2007 07:06

Is the Directors Lounge still in use? I noticed there hasnt been much activity on it lately.


Lady Emerald Devon
Lady Emerald Devon

Aug-3-2007 02:38

Heh, for once, I agree with you Stooby ;)

As Jojo said though this was set up when there were a LOT of people using multis and stealing things from agencies.
(I'll find you the post :))

However, a lot of people even then didn't think there was a real need for it.
Because Director's PM each other about this anyhow.

I do think that your feelings are fair Stooby and I don't know when so many people feel there is an "inner circle" in Sleuth why this would be bought up now to reinforce those feelings.

I also don't know why it was needed to be bought up in public when people could have asked through PMs.

For the record, I do not agree with having a Director's Lounge, as a Director I could have signed up for this when it started but did not want too. I do though, understand why it was set up and why people wanted to join.

I agree with you Stooby that there is chance for people to defend themselves.
And I also don't think any of this needs to be bought up in public when we have a great new PRIVATE mail system.

Lucky Stiff

Aug-3-2007 03:45

I wouldnt exactly accuse it of being "Inner Circle" kind of stuff, being that any director could join. It was just an easier way to communicate than sending 30 PMs to every major agency director. It was started by Logan because we could not (and still can't) post about thieves, etc. on the boards as its considered harassing them or something.

But I see the point you guys are making too. It sucks for people not to be able to stick up for themselves so I think we should be able to have a public blacklist for thieves. :)

Safety Officer

Aug-3-2007 05:48

lol well I only asked kids coz I honestly don't know much about it myself :) and if anyone hasn't noticed, there's quite a few new agencies out there, who have probably never heard of the mythical and mystical Director's Lounge. That was my only intention. To keep people informed, since all kinds of 'misunderstandings' and wild accusations get thrown around when people think they are being treated like mushrooms (ie kept in the dark and fed crap).

oh and 'PM me for the link' *does* make it sound like a secret society lol. I think there MUST be a secret handshake!


Aug-3-2007 07:49

There is a Secret handshake Secret Squirrel. As a director of an agency though, we'll teach it to you. ;-)

As stated above, it was extremely helpful when we had certain players stealing items and creating new identities right and left.

And if you arent doing anything wrong, then you dont have anything to worry about. If Stooby wants me to air his dirty laundry on the public message boards, I will.


Aug-3-2007 08:30

Roamie can air anything she wants on the message boards, I would prefer lies to appear here where they can be moderated and kept free of insults and swearing (unlike Roamie's PM's) and where people can defend themselves from false accusations.

A clique of hidden directors discussing personal falling outs behind closed and un-moderated doors seems to fly in the face of what the Sleuth community is about. If anyone has an issue with anyone they can take it up directly with those concerned. If they have issues of cheating or stealing then they should take it up with admin. But to head off and talk behind peoples backs and be free to say what you want about anyone is wrong, hence the board moderators, long may they continue to do such a great job.

And insulting people personally and swearing like a trooper at them and casting disparaging marks about totally unrelated Sleuth members by PM should also not be tolerated.


Aug-3-2007 08:35

LOL, want me to post your PMs here stooby?


Aug-3-2007 08:37

Get a life Stooby. We kicked you out of the agency DAYS ago and you keep sending us PMs. Get over it and create your own agency and move on. Ona Mission wishes you and your agents the best of luck with your new agency. I hope people dont treat you, the way you have treated us.


Aug-3-2007 08:45

Take me off block and we can keep this to Pm's Roamie, I'm not hidding, it would just be unfair to drag things out for all to see, for them. And your messages would to me would be the ones the baords moderators objected to (swearing and personal insults against me and unrelated directors from other agencies from you would be frowned on).


Aug-3-2007 08:49

Um ya. BS. that is such a bad word isnt it? lol get a life stooby. move on.... PLEASE and leave us alone.


Aug-3-2007 08:57

Already did Roamie, I already left Ona, already have my own plans. You can't seem to drop it though, wonder why? Go take a lie down and maybe it will all be clearer later today. Oh and if you are at work... get working!

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