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What's Your Favourite?
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Old Shoe

May-31-2007 00:47

(Do like me)

What's your favourite infomercial?


luc pfeiffer
luc pfeiffer

Apr-15-2009 12:27

A croissant with coffee at a cafe somewhere while I read the paper or watch people is just heaven on earth on a Sunday morning. If it's a special occasion, knockerel (sort of like a sweet souffle) is very nice indeed. Otherwise, it's whatever I trip over on my flight out the door (sorry kitty).;-)

What's your favorite springtime flower?

Poirot's Protege'
Poirot's Protege'

Apr-15-2009 19:58

Lilacs. They have the most beautiful color and scent all wrapped up in one.

What is your favorite city?

Makensie Brewer
Makensie Brewer
Super Steeper

Apr-15-2009 20:02

Favorite city is Boston,MA...although, I have no idea why because Ive never been there LOL its just a place Ive always wanted to visit :)

On that note, where is your favorite vacation spot?

Sara Buxton
Sara Buxton

Apr-15-2009 20:43

Columbia, Louisiana. My favorite place in the entire world. :) Specifically the family homestead there.

What is your favorite piece of clothing?

luc pfeiffer
luc pfeiffer

Apr-16-2009 21:17

Jeans. Any pair that fits. Goes with anything if you think you can carry it off. And anything you don't...Plumber's cracks need not apply for anything except an appointment with a professional buyer to get some that hide the goods better.

What's your favorite kind of pet or pet you wish you could have?

Anais Nin
Anais Nin

Apr-16-2009 22:50

LOL. A tarantula. I have always wanted a tarantula. Specifically pink toed tarantulas. But Keiji, my adorable leopard gecko is pretty awesome, and my dad's short-tailed opossum named Pogo, and my turtle, and fiddler crabs, and fish... I think I'll stop with my list before I really get into it. :)

What is your favorite thing to do to de-stress?


Apr-21-2009 08:51

Pull the wings off flies and steal candy from little kids, then taunt them.

What? WHAT? Was it something I said?

What's your favourite day of the week?

Keira Ann
Keira Ann

Apr-22-2009 01:42

Thursday. It is almost the weekend! Also, Grey's Anatomy is on.

What is your favorite season?

Pinball Pro

Apr-22-2009 09:18

Football season, at least the first few weeks of it until I realize that the Browns are gonna be horrible yet again! ;-)

Favorite guilty pleasure?

Makensie Brewer
Makensie Brewer
Super Steeper

Apr-22-2009 09:44

Chocolate :)

Favorite Quote?

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