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Run out of options... what now?

Private CSI
Private CSI

Mar-27-2007 18:24

Case: Doomsayer: The Prisoner

I only have 2 questions left to ask... but they clam up, I try to interogate one, but get no where. I don't have the skills to get the info. There is nothing at city hall for me at the mo. Nothing at any of the locals.

So what do I do now?


Private CSI
Private CSI

Mar-27-2007 18:31

Forgot to mention - I have narrowed my subject list by sex, of all the members of said sex, 1 is dead and the other 2 have yet to produce a motive so they cannot be accused.

Thing is - I am fairly sure who to accuse.

Safety Officer

Mar-27-2007 18:39

Well if the person you think it is can be accused, then the best thing about FM's is that you can accuse and not have it go against you as a false accusation if you are wrong! Sure you waste a case, but at least it doesn't cost you with Shady.

And... mate in my honest opinion maybe you are biting off more than you can chew.

Feel free to prove me wrong :) and guess correctly, but with *no gear*, and not many skills I'd say you'll find it hard to do that FM right now.

Build up some XP, do some favours, earn some skill points, and get some gear.

If you were going to do the FM's - if you haven't already done so - try the Intermeditae level ones first.

But good luck, and (in this instance) have a guess if you can, it can't hurt.

Private CSI
Private CSI

Mar-28-2007 02:10

Thanks SS. Looks like I am going to have to quit the case. Out of 9 suspects, I have narrowed it down to 3, 1 of whom is dead. And out of ALL 9 suspcts, not one has a motive, so I cannot accuse ANY of them.

I also got it wrong last night... of the 2 remaining questions, one will let me use some skills (but I don't have the required skills) and the other just clams up and asks me to leave.

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