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Solve A Lot2
Solve A Lot2
Assistant Postman

Nov-17-2006 11:42

Since there has been so much debate about use of detectives in agencies, and now we are getting new rules - is there any reason to have agencies?

I thought the reason to be in an agency was to:
1) Get help with cases - by using each other's contacts
2) Ability to combine favors to win Treasure Hunts
3) Swap cases, in case an agent wanted a particular faction
4) Donate, swap, use cases that may otherwise go to waste

Again, I think agencies should make the rules about how to handle their agents and cases. As a paying subscriber, don't I have a right to do with my cases what I want? I am already limited in how many cases I could play a day, now I am going to be limited in what to do with my cases too??

If people feel their agent is getting abused, quit the agency, join another one that thinks like you, or don't belong to an agency.


Safety Officer

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Safety Officer

Nov-18-2006 18:20

(sometimes it's good to have the delete button)

and now in something resembling English...

*Password sharing* since we've wandered over to that, and that's somethign that can be discussed, as it's not set in concrete, only somethign Ben is 'thinking' about.

Me I'm all FOR password sharing. I've done heaps of trades with all kinds of people for favour items to get in good with the Steepers etc. And most of those trades have been done with me giving Paranoid_Android's pass to someone and saying 'go for your life'.

And I've really liked that because some people I've never spoken to before and it's been good to make a connection and do something positive for each other. And it's nice to have my notice Board with messages on it from someone other than 'me'. (Ever seen 'Mr Bean's Christmas' where he posts Xmas cards to himself lol)

I've had passes for all kinds of people to get into their Agency to help out with cases. Those passes change once I'm gone of course for security reasons.

For me it's prob. more a trust issue than a game's mechanics issue.

But I admit I don't fully understand the topic.

Battered Shoe

Nov-19-2006 14:55

I'm with you squirrel. I guess I don't really get what the problem is. In my agency, only the directors have my password and they've used it from time to time for the things such as:
- I'm a complete bonehead and log off and disappear wearing everyone's smart equipment
- I'm at work and can't log in and they need something (like checking PE because the case files are filled to the brim with cases that need my contact)
- Taking cases from me when I am on vacation or can't play so other players can use them.

I have given permission to my directors to use my account for these things. I've actually asked my directors to do these things, so I don't feel like I am a bottleneck for the other players. Can you imagine if my agency had no smart gear for a week because I was an idiot and forgot to put it back? I would feel so guilty. :(

I guess I don't understand what is wrong with any of this. We consider ourselves a team and I want my detective to do whatever she can to help my team at my agency.

Oh well :(

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