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Sleuth Mythbusters
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R Anstett
R Anstett

Nov-2-2006 11:23

A place to collect what we know about Sleuth and other useful game hints.


Jim Diamond
Jim Diamond

Jul-28-2007 08:52

Exactly. And Sophie, I'm sorry if I wasn't clear, but I tried to add a little wink to the angry smilie. That normally means it's all a joke. Like in this case for example. I'm sure they didn't not know on purpose.


Sep-28-2007 11:29

I've got one trick, which is possibly very obvious to everybody around here....

As early in a case as possible, I start asking everybody if they suspect a certain chosen individual. Then I keep on asking all the others about that same suspect. If no WE comes out, then I may come to the conclusion that the person I was investigating isn't the guilty one. If a WE pops up, then you're either lucky or -sometimes- in a dilemma.

You may have the objection that somone will clam up most often. Nevertheless, in most cases, it will be quite unlikely that this person you had in focus may have two WE against him/her.

I find this method very useful at higher degrees of difficulty, where we need to reduce the amount of suspects.

That's it.

Vampiric Smile
Vampiric Smile
Safety Officer

Sep-4-2008 03:56


Sir William Weine
Sir William Weine
Lucky Stiff

Jul-14-2009 09:40

I think the more suspects, the more likely that you get a false accusation :-).


Aug-8-2009 21:40

If for some reason you don't want your suspects killed off you can leave a tab open with you discussing the case with your suspect.

As long as you use the tab to get back to the suspect, they won't be dead. Once you click on the link to their name though there's no turning back if they'd died. Once the suspect is all clammed up, you can be done with them. Muah ha ha...

I find it very useful if you find out one of them was a witness, and since I win only 1/3 of my cases, I need all the help I can get.

Encyclopedia Zero
Encyclopedia Zero

Aug-9-2009 05:50

AndreaX wrote:

"Favor formula:

4 successuflly solved cases (including the previous favor) = next favor "

That is incorrect. It is really not four successfully solved cases that triggers it, but three, since a newly created detective who solves three cases gets the chance to do a favour.

Lawrence Wargrave
Lawrence Wargrave
Tale Spinner

Aug-9-2009 06:15

A favor is always granted after 4 sucessfully finished cases or 3 cases + 1 favor, so in that day you get 2 favors. I think it works that way

Encyclopedia Zero
Encyclopedia Zero

Aug-9-2009 06:20

Well, like I said a newly created detective gets his or her first favour after three solved cases.

Encyclopedia Zero
Encyclopedia Zero

Aug-9-2009 06:30

Also if the game counted solved favours too you'd get favours all of the time. I would assume there is something limiting you to solve more than one favour in a row, since I've tried to stack up favours and solve them. So even if you have two or more favours available (from solving six or more cases) it appears you have to solve a regular case after each favour to be able to solve the next favour. And again if there is a limit to the amount of favours you are allowed in a row but the game count solved favours against the number of solved cases you need for your next favour you'd still get a favour after every regular case solved. Ie every second case would be a favour.

Encyclopedia Zero
Encyclopedia Zero

Aug-9-2009 06:52

And the second sentence should read "..something limiting you against solving more than one favour..".

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