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Corrupt A Wish
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Bill Oakes
Bill Oakes

Sep-15-2006 02:30

This is a very simple and fun game. The first person makes a wish, and each following person finds some way to corrupt the wish and then makes a new wish. For example:

Person 1. I wish I had a dog

Person 2. You have a dog, but it dies the day after you get it

I wish I had a muffin

Person 3: You get a muffin, but you drop it and have to throw it away.

And so on.

Your firt wish to corrupt is this:

I wish I had a new car.


Ryan J. Destry
Ryan J. Destry

Jun-10-2012 16:19

Realized i forgot to make a wish. I wish three legged tom had four legs.

Summer Daze
Summer Daze
Freedom Fighter

Jun-11-2012 03:12

Granted. Three-legged Tom does indeed have four legs. However, the fourth leg grows out of his head, completely throwing him off balance as he runs and obscuring the jockey's view. So, most of the time he continues to come in last...

I wish I had my own private jet, terrorist-proof, fully staffed, eternally fuelled, carbon-neutral, completely free of charge and that would never break down.

Emily Hill
Emily Hill

Jun-11-2012 16:02

You have your jet as wanted but it has no doors.

The staff inside can't get out and you can't get in.

They eventually die of dehydration and starvation but as they jet can't break-down or anything, their bodies stay in their tomb forever while all you can do is look through the windows.


I wish Jojo Horsehair would play Sleuth Saviour properly.

Jason Arends
Jason Arends
Lucky Stiff

Jun-14-2012 02:38

Your wish is my command, Jojo plays sleuth saviour properly.....too properly, in fact he beats the pants off of everyone with perfect scores that can never be topped. Is that the bitter taste of defeat or perhaps you just need a piece of gum? The world may never know....

I wish i was better at hunting villains. *sigh*

Old Shoe

Jun-14-2012 21:34

Psssh, easy. You are really really good at hunting villains. Sadly, you are really really bad at assessing the credibility of supervisors, so now you find your energies divided. This works poorly with the available opportunities you feel qualified for.

Which case will you crack first?

1) Miss, that fat kid ate my twinkie
2) If it's on my property, I can kill it. Does the law change if I can't tell a dandelion from a human kid?Both of them have awkwardly large heads.
3) The illuminating dome trial of hey - is hair loss really permanent, or can i get a free wig for applying to law school?

I wish my current shirt didn't smell like the dumpster behind an animal rescure agency.

Summer Daze
Summer Daze
Freedom Fighter

Jun-18-2012 10:42

Wish granted. Now your shirt smells like the trash can on the street corner :)

My wish is simple. I wish to be invisible whenever I will it, but always for just 30 mins exactly.

M. Lacrimosa
M. Lacrimosa

Jun-18-2012 11:03

Wish granted. It's cool for the first few weeks. Eventually it becomes a habit. Then something compulsive and soon an obsession. Eventually you get so carried away with it, your power is removed.

I wish this cold will go away.

Old Shoe

Jun-18-2012 22:08

Cold gone - Hello fever! It hurts when you move AND when you stay still, and there's black stuff in your teeth every time you laugh. Your dentist calls you Darth Vader, and everyone else calls you "Kid Aquafresh". Your dentist is right-there's some bacteria in there old enough to say "Luke,I am your father", and the whole thing pretty much smells like a sack of dead cats.

I wish I had three tacos.

M. Lacrimosa
M. Lacrimosa

Jun-20-2012 07:48

Wish granted. You have three tacos. While walking on your way home, you're mugged by a homeless guy, who then steals your tacos. Guess you should have driven.

I wish I was immune to sarcasm.

Jason Arends
Jason Arends
Lucky Stiff

Jun-20-2012 13:13

BOOM You're immune to sarcasm but vulnerable to gullibility, and if you believe that ive got a bridge to sell you :)

I wish i had more time.

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