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Corrupt A Wish
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Bill Oakes
Bill Oakes

Sep-15-2006 02:30

This is a very simple and fun game. The first person makes a wish, and each following person finds some way to corrupt the wish and then makes a new wish. For example:

Person 1. I wish I had a dog

Person 2. You have a dog, but it dies the day after you get it

I wish I had a muffin

Person 3: You get a muffin, but you drop it and have to throw it away.

And so on.

Your firt wish to corrupt is this:

I wish I had a new car.


M. Lacrimosa
M. Lacrimosa

Oct-31-2009 10:33

Granted you don't have insomnia. Instead, are narcoleptic.

I wish I had more money than I really do.

Heimlich VonVictor
Heimlich VonVictor

Oct-31-2009 11:02

You get more money than you really do, but it comes in the from of a shiny new wheat penny that you find on the way to work.

I wish shipping wasn't so slow on everything that I order.

Battered Shoe

Oct-31-2009 17:19

Oh you just know how I'm going to corrupt this one:

Kazaam! Now all deliveries, in their haste to make it to you lickety-splitly. arrive slightly damaged. Not enough where you can return them, just enough to irritate the hell out of you.

I wish I had a day truly to myself.

M. Lacrimosa
M. Lacrimosa

Nov-1-2009 09:00

You have been granted a day to your self. But sadly, your alarm clock wakes you up out of your dream and you have to start another day full of annoying people.

I wish that that this world was not full of idiots.

Molly Maltese
Molly Maltese
Old Shoe

Nov-1-2009 12:22

Your wish is granted, and you proceed to be cleansed from the earth with the rest of the undesirable horde.

OUCH! I'm snarky. ;D Just teasing you, you smarty-pants you.

I wish people around me didn't make so much noise.

Keira Ann
Keira Ann

Nov-1-2009 15:43

All noise around you is reduced to a whisper. It is nice at first. But then you spend the rest of your life straining to hear what is said and asking people to please speak up.

I wish winter wasn't so cold.

Heimlich VonVictor
Heimlich VonVictor

Nov-1-2009 15:54

Granted! In fact winter becomes the warmest season, because all of the rest have dropped below freezing!

I wish I could finish this paper and get an A on it.

M. Lacrimosa
M. Lacrimosa

Nov-1-2009 20:22

Wish granted. You finish your paper and it is grade A material. How ever, the night before it is due, your dog gets a hold of it, and shreds it to pieces. Sorry.

I wish our government wasn't so corrupt.

Elizabeth March
Elizabeth March
Sleuth About Town

Nov-2-2009 14:16

You got it. Our government isn't corrupt anymore. Instead, it's overly strict and it puts people in jail for even the slightest flaw.

I wish I had a job.

M. Lacrimosa
M. Lacrimosa

Nov-2-2009 14:54

Granted. You get a job. However, due to the lack of education, the only job you can get is a job with your name on your shirt and you get paid minimum wage. And, you just so happen to be in the state of Georgia in which the Right to Work Act says your boss doesn't have to have a reason to fire you. You get fired within a week.

I wish my pharmacology class wasn't so complicated.

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