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Agent Andrew
Agent Andrew

Sep-3-2006 01:42

The rules are quite simple...

^ Say something about the previous sleuth.
< Say something about yourself.
V Make a prediction about the next sleuth.


Old Shoe

Jul-12-2007 00:52

^needs to get hardcore and try out a rawhide burrito if she's so into chewing
< Is Deffer than an earless Leppard (speak up I can't hear you, sonny)
v has wondered what happened to the taco bell chihuahua


Jul-16-2007 09:55

^ ate the taco bell chihuahua

< got ticked at ^ for not saving a leg for her

v prefers two ounce chihuahua steaks

Battered Shoe

Jul-16-2007 19:43

^ Thinks the long-hair variety is much tastier than the hairless

< Personally prefers ground mutt to a two ounce chihuahua steak

v Is getting the grill fired up for when the three people above, ^ and ^^ and ^^^, come over to grill chihuahua steak and mutt burgers.


Jul-20-2007 10:46

^ she's havin' a party, everybody's barking! Barking to the music on the radiooooo....

< wants Mister DJ to keep that record playing (And Laura to keep that grill going)

v is having such a good time dancing with their puppy.


Jul-20-2007 13:53

^ knows that having fun is what she wants everyone to do ;)

< dosen't have a puppy but still is having fun

v dosen't have a clue what i mean


Jul-24-2007 09:49

^ doesn't have a clue what she means

< doesn't want to have a clue what ^ means

v probably could make millions, selling clues

Scarletta Jones
Scarletta Jones

Aug-1-2007 13:30

^knows she wants to buy one of my million dollar clues
<is now selling clues at $1 million apeice
v thinks I'm weird to be talking about clues

Rocky Polinski
Rocky Polinski

Aug-1-2007 14:41

^Is a scamming ninny noddle for selling $1 million clues (but we love you for it)
<eating a milano cookie and not loving it. :(
Vloves milano cookies


Aug-5-2007 09:33

^ should have given the milano cookie to me, as I would have properly appreciated it

< now craving milano cookies, thanks to ^... but it's a change from craving spaghetti

v also loves milano cookies - or spaghetti - or both :)

Scarletta Jones
Scarletta Jones

Aug-7-2007 18:19

^ is recieving a package of milano cookies from me
< may not like milano cookies, but certainly loves spaghetti
v is being brainwashed to buy milano cookies and spaghetti

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