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Anything and Nothing
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Lucky Stiff

Aug-23-2006 22:01

I have created a sleuth miracle!


Go ahead and try, but this thread is about anything and nothing, all at the the same time!

This is the place where Al can talk about world domination, Crunch can worship David Hasselhoff, SS can try and find even more complicated questions for his pub quizzes, Nikkie can advertise for Tim Tams, cfm can troll for more Sharpie victims, JR can beg for the chance to win Bobo back, and bedazzling can be a way of life!

So go off, rant and rave, talk about anything, i don't care, I just wanted to see my avatar on the page (when its actually me anyways)

So go ahead, I dare you all to try and hijack me :)


Battered Shoe

Feb-8-2007 20:09

Re dry skin: My 3 year old has really patchy dry skin on his arms and back this winter season. It doesn't seem to bother him but it drives me crazy! I've found that the best treatment is to have him soak in a warm (not hot!) bath with Aveeno Daily Mosturizing Bath every night for 15 minutes, followed up with Aveeno Skin Relief lotion. Lotion alone wasn't working on him, nor was my moisturizing body wash (which is enough for me in combination with lotion). If we do that every day (he can skip the bath now and then but never the lotion) then his skin stays lovely and smooth.

Remember, your whip may crack, but your skin should not.

Old Shoe

Feb-9-2007 00:18

I totally read that as "I bathe him every fifteen minutes" and i was all...dude, you're gonna turn him into toddler jerky of you keep that up.

I too suffer with the plague of the dessicated epidermis. Like if you swatted me with a straw broom I'd probab;y shed a half-pound of dead skin.

(heh, combined with the dislodged hair, that dander-storm would look a little like German porn shot on Super-8 in the seventies)

Two thoughts are, a) he's still young enough that he might not know what's going on if you drizzle him with olive oil like he was a bocconcini salad, and b) I don't know if you can get it there, but there's a company called L'Occitane that makes lotions that I think kick plenty ass.

Lucky Stiff

Feb-9-2007 10:19

Vacation rules for me, but apparently not for my thread....big props to Andrea for keeping the message alive! ;)

Also, winter skin is my eternal curse, as is being too lazy to take proper care of it, so thanks for the advice there Ara ;)

Old Shoe

Feb-10-2007 18:27

Don't have to live with the cold down here.

Old Shoe

Feb-10-2007 23:57

no, just the volcanos, ridiculous gum-laws, public canings and being pelted with blue-ringed octopuses by the occasional (albeit warm) raging tidal wave :)

Washed Up Punter

Feb-11-2007 00:05

*wondering about gum-laws... no bubbles in public? Snapping punishable by fine or imprisonment? Wintergreen with a license only? *

Assistant Postman

Feb-11-2007 07:36

I think someone might've stolen my debit card number. What the hell is And Rapidshare? Seriously, three charges to my checking account with my DC and neither me or my husband made them. It had better be the other Jeremy K. Yes there are two in my town of 2500. It's scary. They once deposited my husbands $800+ paycheck into the other J.K.'s account. I was seriously pissed off. If it's not him, then we got a big ole' problem.

Old Shoe

Feb-11-2007 08:05

Wow, I'd cancel that card ASAFP. Skype is a voice-over-internet protocol, essentially a way to make phone calls over the internet, and rapidshare is a web-hosting site that allows users to download one another's files. The files, as I understand it, can be anything, so there could be legal issues around copyright for sure to say nothing of the type of content. That's scary.

Assistant Postman

Feb-11-2007 08:28

Well tomorrow, I'm marching my little self down to the bank and pitching a fit. And we're gonna have to do something about the checking account. Maybe get a new one. Stupid fricking people stealing my stupid fricking dc number. Dear god I hope that's all it is. I really don't need a case of complete stolen idenity right now.


Feb-11-2007 12:53

Pull your credit report immediately, if not sooner.

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