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Improved PMs
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Jul-31-2006 23:14

Ben!! You are SUPER!!

Guys! New Pm's don't eat old Pm's and send them off to Never Never Land anymore!

If you have an open PM and click a new page and a new one comes in, it opens it OWN window!


*jumps around, dances in the rain and spreads the news*


Con Artist

Aug-1-2006 00:40

7 person fan club crunch. :0) lol

sushi kitty
sushi kitty

Aug-1-2006 01:24

yeah! i just noticed this...its great. Thank You!

please don't remind me of nice cool things anymore like that mythical occurence called rain because all i know is the blazing sun and its KILLING me.
*lethargically drags self to kitchen to stick head in freezer so brain doesn't evaporate*

Battered Shoe

Aug-1-2006 06:29

*does happy PM dance*

*wishes she hadn't because it's too blazing hot to be dancing like a fool*

Serena Barton
Serena Barton

Aug-1-2006 07:04

I've kinda noticed that for a long time, and it's great!:)

Lady Emerald Devon
Lady Emerald Devon

Aug-1-2006 07:19

Thanks Ben.

Llana de Lama
Llana de Lama

Aug-1-2006 09:09

I've noticed this over the weekend. Thank you Sleuth gods! I've had a terrible time with it before now.

Al Z
Al Z

Aug-1-2006 14:46


Here in NYC, first it is blistering hot, then we have a crazy electrical storm that threatens to take out the power. Then it goes back to blistering heat again. So I wear shorts and a tee-shirt, but carry an umbrella in a bag! Freaky!

It's happened three times this month with even more flash storms that appear out of nowhere, even when its sunny! So I'm deathly afraid to go out dancing in any rain that appears. Can you say "ZZZOT!"

Lucky Stiff

Aug-1-2006 16:00

I live in Boston and for a place that had torrential downpours for DAYS a few weeks ago, I'm praying for it now cuz I think its hotter now than its been here in years....

oh and I almost forgot, great news on the PMs!

Ms Helen
Ms Helen
Con Artist

Aug-1-2006 16:55

Hey AI Z don't worry it's not just over in America it's happening, we're getting exactly the same over here in England it's a nightmare.

Oh and brilliant news about the PM's as well. Two great big thumbs up from me : ).


Aug-2-2006 17:42

What is a Pm ( I am assuming Private Message) and how do you do it, Do I have to download any particular chat device or anything?

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